
I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Tinnitus since this past July.

I never was able to mask as it competes with fans and anything I try to mask it. 2 months constant daily spikes of loud screeching in my left ear accompanied by what sounds like a pit of electric snakes hissing. Then comes a low drone humming in my good ear that is reactive to sound. Best way to describe it is a fridge humming or car idling outside. I’ve been putting up with this several months. I cry daily. This shit isn’t living. Only thing keeping me here is my beautiful kids and wife. If it wasn’t for them, I would have already taken the easy way out.

I could understand if I started off with mild tinnitus and accumulated noise damage several years down the road but this shit escalated from one day to the next after syringing my ears to get earwax out. Since then everything is sensitive. I don’t have pain hyperacusis, I have loudness hyperacusis. Pissing in the toilet sounds like someone scratching tin foil by my ear. My kid sneezing makes my ears clinch.

I sleep every day hoping I don’t wake up.

This shit has taken so much from me. About to be homeless soon. Had to quit an amazing job because my ears would scream from office noise.

I wake up, I spike
I lay down, I spike
I eat something, I spike
I watch a movie, I spike
I listen to low music, I spike
I hear someone sneeze, I spike

I’m giving myself a year. If no improvement, I’m taking my elf out. This isn’t living. This is hell.