Recent content by 10Kcd

  1. 10Kcd

    Firecracker Pop Started My Journey with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    Hi everyone, and happy new year. It's been a little over 6 months since my acoustic trauma, and I wanted to post a little update. First, I feel as though I've settled into a new normal. I have tinnitus. I'm living with it. I don't like it, and there's nothing I can do to change it. Second, my...
  2. 10Kcd

    A High Schooler's Experience with Tinnitus — It's Become Unbearable After Using Headphones to Game

    Hi @ElliottC - I'm so sorry that you're going through this at such a young age. I work with youth and am always freaked out by how much time they spend with AirPods on at max volume. I fear we've set our youngest generation up for lifelong acoustic consequences. It doesn't sound like you're in...
  3. 10Kcd

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Long-Lasting Everyday Home-Practiced Experiences

    Hi @Anima - I really appreciate your kind, supportive words. I also value your perspective, and will consider your advice. I am currently in a discussion with the company about whether or not my money back window has closed, so it may be that the fates help me make this decision. At any rate...
  4. 10Kcd

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Long-Lasting Everyday Home-Practiced Experiences

    Hi All, A tiny update as I am treating myself with my 660 nm headset. I realized this week that my 90-day money back window to return my LLLT device closes in a couple days. I'm mulling whether or not to return my device. This is part of a larger question I've been wrestling with about the...
  5. 10Kcd

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Hi @DeanD - thanks for asking, and sorry I missed this question. I've been mostly posting about my LLLT experiences over at this thread (I don't know how to link straight to a particular point on the thread, but my most recent post is down at the bottom of that page). To answer your questions...
  6. 10Kcd

    Sudden Onset: Woke Up with Unilateral Tinnitus

    Hi @Ben Jammin - love your handle and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to be one of your unfortunate welcoming committee. My onset was due to an acoustic trauma, different enough from what you're describing that I'm not sure I can weigh in with anything useful relative to your tinnitus itself...
  7. 10Kcd

    My New Reactive Tinnitus Is Making Me Miserable — I Hear Whistling on Top of Every Other Sound

    Hi @Heikai - sorry to hear about your worsening condition. I encourage you not to try to figure out why your tinnitus is worse (whether the trip to the city, the HBOT, or something entirely different) and to focus on caring for your wellbeing. I see that you've got access to a benzo, which is...
  8. 10Kcd

    Tinnitus from Conjunctivitis

    Hey @AnonymousHamster - I'm hoping that you'll have some more good news to report. I also hear the ups and downs have been an emotional struggle, especially with the impact to your work and finances. I salute your decision to explore CBT - for all the ways I've tried healing since my acoustic...
  9. 10Kcd

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Long-Lasting Everyday Home-Practiced Experiences

    Hi All, I'm back with a little update. It's been a while since I've done an LLLT post. That's due in part to the fact that I've traveled these past couple weeks, and partly due to the fact that my symptoms - while very much better than they were when I first experienced my acoustic trauma -...
  10. 10Kcd

    Acoustic Trauma from Loud Concert... and Hello!

    Hi @CJCP - I love the realistic optimism of this post. I'm also coming up on 6 months post acoustic trauma, so resonate with so much of what you wrote. I appreciate your desire to post so that those who are in a panicked state can see that things can get better, even though the improvements...
  11. 10Kcd

    Muffled Hearing and Loud Tinnitus After I Went Out Clubbing Last Night

    Hey @Pauli - thanks for posting the update. I'm glad you're at least finding ways to minimize the impact that your tinnitus has on your sleep and daily routines. I hope you continue to see improvements!
  12. 10Kcd

    Muffled Hearing and Loud Tinnitus After I Went Out Clubbing Last Night

    Out of curiosity, @Lane - where did you buy the mHBOT chamber, and how much was it?
  13. 10Kcd

    After 6 Years of Coping with Tinnitus, I Developed a Low-Pitched Humming — Caused by Stress?

    Hi @VickiD - I'm sorry you've been suffering so much. I've found Mirtazapine to be helpful in terms of getting my baseline of stress and anxiety to a more manageable level. I'm curious to know whether you've noticed any positive developments from it. Wishing you peace, calm and quiet!
  14. 10Kcd

    Tinnitus from Conjunctivitis

    Yay - happy to hear your optimism, @AnonymousHamster. We're here for your updates, regardless of whether they're to report a positive development or a challenging setback :)
  15. 10Kcd

    Tinnitus from Conjunctivitis

    Hi @AnonymousHamster - I'm just catching up on this thread, and want to chime in to concur the great insights and support that @Joe Cuber and @Lane have been offering. The early stages of tinnitus can be maddening and disorienting, and can feel catastrophic - I'm sorry that you're in the throes...