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  • If you head your T only on your ears, you are blessed! The head T is the worst of all!
    My kettles are on full mode. I sometimes cannot believe how pissed off they are.
    I ate something 2 hours ago and now I'm having my usual spike right now. Well, here I go to starve for the rest of my life.
    I'm almost Tinnitus free for almost 6 hours. I have not eaten much today. Wtf?
    I spoke way too soon. Just came back from outside and I'm having a spike right now. Hmm.
    After having two nights good sleep the tinnitus is super quite today. It feels like it is cured.
    Just heard about a man comitted suicide due to tinnitus 3 days before. I'm really sorry and scared.
    Last night I had a nad spike due to my sleeplessness. Now I'm almost tinnitus free. I could do anything for my T to stay like this.
    Tinnitus. It is something that has many of experts when nobody has a cure. Weird.
    Is it possible to shot down the auditory cortex? Like a surgey they gor it out from the brain.
    Things getting worse and worse. My T is getting more than severe. My whole brain is like on fire.
    Science. Please save us. It is so hard to try living with GAD, panic attacks and depression due to tinnitus.
    Damn you tinnitus! I can even feel those freaking overhyped neurotransmitters in my brain.
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