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  • I believe a neti pot caused mine, I used it while I had a cold last Dec 2020. I still have T and it has gotten slightly worse. Anyone else had any relief?
    Hi Amelia!! Saw your posts and was hoping to find out if you found any relief??? Hopefully you not being on here in a long time means you did. Please let us know!!
    Hi Ameila, I'm convinced that a sinus wash caused my high pitched T. Have you had any reduction in volume/recovery since you got yours from the same thing?
    Hey there. Same thing just happened to me! Have you found any relief?! I can't find much about this topic ☹️
    Hey there, T recently started for me around 3 weeks ago in my left ear and I recall it around the time I got neil-med sinus rinse water in my ears. I also listen to loud music, but i had a hearing test and it showed a dip in my hearing in my left by about 13db in a certain frequency. I'm quite confused
    Hey Cam! Hoping that you have found relief I know it's been 1 and half but I just did this to myself and am desperate to hear some success story. Did this resolve for you at all?? Thank you
    Hi Cam, I also used NeilMed neti pot for sinus infection and have T since then. Anything you know that can help?
    Same story here! keep me posted if you find out anything!
    Hi Amelia, just saying hello as well, I'm from melbourne, Ive had some success with AudioNotch sound therapy, my experiences are documented on this website. if your interested just look for my posts. Regards
    Hey Amelia I'm from Adelaide & suffer from T & H too. Just stumbled across your page & thought I'd say hi :)
    Hi Nick, sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances! Hope things are improving for you?
    Hey how's the T going for you
    One day at a time. Thanks Amelia, and likewise I wish you the best. I don't even know you but I sincerely do. I bet you're a great person
    Thanks allen. We will get there! It might be a slow crawl but I'm sure one day this shitty T won't bother us so much x
    That metaphor
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