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  1. Amelia

    To Take Cymbalta or Not?

    I'm doing ok on Zoloft too. Took me a long time to start it because I was so worried it would increase my T but thankfully it hasn't made a difference to it
  2. Amelia

    Medical Reasons for Drop in Tinnitus?

    Nope, no steroids - only IV penicillin and doxycycline orally
  3. Amelia

    I HAVE to Go to Disneyland, What Do I Do!

    I'm so glad you decided to go. Earplugs are your friend and I'm sure you will be fine.
  4. Amelia

    Medical Reasons for Drop in Tinnitus?

    So, this is a very strange question (and I hope it doesn't upset anyone) but in the last few days I've noticed at times my T has dropped in its volume - or at least my perceived volume of it. Not all the time, but sometimes I'm not noticing it which is unusual for me. 2 nights ago I woke and...
  5. Amelia

    Metronidazole or Clarithromycin — Any Experience Taking These?

    Anyone have any experience with these antibiotics? Looks like I'll be on them for about 2 weeks. Thanks!
  6. Amelia

    Chapter 10: Claiming Your Life Back

    One of mine would be don't give yourself a deadline to habituation. Reading all the success stories was great but then I'd compare my journey to theirs and wonder why I wasn't feeling better as quickly as theirs. No comparing!
  7. Amelia

    General Anaesthetic

    Please don't stress. I had to have a general anesthetic about a year ago for some testing and it didn't made one ounce of difference to my T. I did a lot of research on the specific anestetics they would be using and had a good chat to the anesthetist and as predicted, no change after the...
  8. Amelia

    Alternatives to Ibuprofen?

    I know ibuprofen is a bit of a no-no for us, but does anyone have any alternatives? I'm dealing with a bursitis flare up in both hips and in a bit of pain. Because it's inflamation, it's been suggested I use ibuprofen but am a bit worried about using it for a few days/weeks in a row ... Thanks :)
  9. Amelia

    Flying Must Haves/Must Do's

    So, tell me all about your must haves/must do's when flying Thanks! :)
  10. Amelia

    Hi Nick, sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances! Hope things are improving for you?

    Hi Nick, sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances! Hope things are improving for you?
  11. Amelia

    Is There Such a Thing as "Good Earbuds"?

    Thanks guys! @Sound Wave - I have heard that about noise cancelling headphones - I'm pretty sensitive to that sort of stuff so I'll try and avoid them. Prior to T I used the earbuds that came with my iphone but it's probably worth investing in some better quality ones. (And just for reference...
  12. Amelia

    Is There Such a Thing as "Good Earbuds"?

    So, I've joined a gym ... A very quiet gym! And I'm dying to listen to come music while I work out, but obviously like everyone else here I'm paranoid about using headphones/earbuds. Now, while I never listen LOUDLY, I'm wondering if there are now products what help protect your hearing? Or...
  13. Amelia

    E-Mycin for my Child

    Thank you both. My doctor is fully aware of my T and always prescribes accordingly. And @Dr. Nagler - ive screenshot red your answer for future reference. My doctor says exactly the same thing about those antibiotics. Perhaps I should trust him more ;) The upshot is that even after just 3...
  14. Amelia

    E-Mycin for my Child

    Hi T family! Haven't been here in a long time because *touch wood* at the moment I'm doing ok and working hard to ignore my sounds. Still there as loud as ever, but I trying my best. My question is ... The antibiotic E-mycin is a big avoid for us with T, but for people without? My baby boy...
  15. Amelia

    Newbie. Hello

    Hi @finlayargyle13, welcome :) I'm another with moderate/loud high pitched T, along with a low buzzing drone type of noise. @Karen & @Sailboardman have already given you some great tips, but I did want to mention the issue you have with hearing people if there is background noise. I have the...
  16. Amelia

    Antibiotics for a Cold

    I've taken it many many times (chronic sinisitus) and it's made no difference. One of the antibiotics I'm happy to take
  17. Amelia

    Church Worship and Tinnitus

    I guess it depends on your T ... And your church :) I very rarely go to church, and when I do, it's quite a somber type service - not at all like some upbeat services I've seen. If your talking electric guitars, speakers and lots of loud shouting, then yes - I'd take some plugs along... BUT...
  18. Amelia

    Cortisone Injection

    Any T dramas with a cortisone injection?
  19. Amelia

    Tips for Dealing With the Drone

    More and more often I'm getting a droning/physical buzz in my head. Sounds like a low hum from a refrigerator or a car idling - and it's physical ... Vibrated inside my head. Most of the time it's so loud it masks my ringing. Apart from being so so scared that this is soon going to be my...
  20. Amelia

    How Do I Explain It to Her?

    UPDATE - guess I didn't need to worry about this at all. It's been cancelled. I have been struggling with T in the last few weeks, and I ended up contacting the venue to see if they could tell me where speakers were placed, where the quieter areas of the theatre were and whether they had noise...
  21. Amelia

    Should Tinnitus Sufferers Worry About Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Codeine?

    Paracetamol really should effect your t I don't think ... It does not seem to effect me and I tend to take it quite a but. My dad who has monster T will still take it
  22. Amelia

    What Do I Do if I Get Sick With Tinnitus?

    I've taken both those things and I've been ok
  23. Amelia

    My Tinnitus Has Changed ...

    @Dr. Nagler - I'm very happy to hear that you are having a few better days. And I know you are someone who we rely on to answer our questions and concerns, but please take all the time you need FOR YOU. I've been thinking of you and wishing you a quick recovery.
  24. Amelia

    Finally Habituated and Enjoying Life Again

    So happy to read this! Congratulations :)
  25. Amelia

    New to Forum, Old to Tinnitus

    Mine can on from a nasal rinse (like a netipot) I think I forced the water through too hard
  26. Amelia

    New to Forum, Old to Tinnitus

    Welcome @Rene - we are a forum full of supportive people and I'm glad you have found us - although I do wish T didn't exist and none of us had a reason to know each other. The positive I took from your post was that you did come to terms with it prior to your recent spike. Hopefully it won't...
  27. Amelia

    What's Your Opinion on Assisted Suicide?

    100% support. I'm still relatively young, and I've been blessed to have had a relatively tragedy free life although I have seen both my grandfathers die - one from cancer, one from emphysema and would not wish that suffering on anyone. I honestly believe anyone who doesn't agree probably...
  28. Amelia

    How Do I Explain It to Her?

    UPDATE - I'm going (it's not for a few months tho). Honestly, if I'm ever going to get over my T and start living again which I want to do more than anything, then I need to balls up and take a chance - obviously within reason. I'm going to wear my plugs and make it known to my sister that if...
  29. Amelia

    Sinus Rinse or Paracetamol

  30. Amelia

    Sinus Rinse or Paracetamol

    Started it. Never had T before that moment
  31. Amelia

    How Do I Explain It to Her?

    You guys are amazing! @linearb - it's a rock musical, so I'm guessing louder than a play, but still probably not as loud as a concert. But I liked a lot of what you said, it really resonated with me especially the part about damaging noise levels And thank you @kevin b :) I do need to get back...
  32. Amelia

    How Do I Explain It to Her?

    Thanks @Ken219 - not like I couldn't leave if it was way too noise right? :) And @kevin b - you are very right. I'm not getting on with my life ... Sometimes I can feel quite paralysed by my fear of "what if my T gets worse"
  33. Amelia

    Sinus Rinse or Paracetamol

    I believe a nasal wash brought on my T so I avoid them
  34. Amelia

    How Do I Explain It to Her?

    My sister is very outgoing, loves concerts, shows, movies, visiting bars/clubs etc, and I'm quite the opposite, and since T, I don't think I've been to a movie or been out to a loud bar since. My T can be reactive sometimes - even if it's just a family dinner with lots of talking/laughing but a...
  35. Amelia

    Back to Silence

    I honestly believe this method is helping me. I'm still annoyed by my tinnitus but before I can even really think about it, I realise I've already responded to my feelings - it's almost becoming instant and I'm moving onto a task or something that will help distract me quicker than before when I...
  36. Amelia

    Am Ignoring This Advice. Food & Drink.

    At my T onset I cut out all caffeine - although truth be told I had an addiction to coca-cola and giving up was a good thing anyway for me. I also don't drink alcohol anymore, and again, truthfully I hate the taste anyway so not a big deal. Soy sauced does upset my T tho ... But it doesn't stop...
  37. Amelia

    Tell Me to Harden Up!

    UPDATE - had the procedure yesterday. The good news is that there were no signs of anything nasty in my insides so I'm super happy that I had the procedure, it's a big weight off my mind. My T has seemed to fluctuate since tho, it was definitely louder, higher pitched and last night a generator...
  38. Amelia

    Water in the Middle Ear After Neti Pot; Louder Tinnitus

    @Marta - ive replied to your PM x
  39. Amelia

    Tell Me to Harden Up!

    Just a quick update ... I go in for this procedure in 3 days! and I've re-read this thread about a bazillion times trying lol calm myself, but I'm sure my ears are louder out of worry! I'm resisting the urge to google "T increase + general anestetic" haha Will pop back in and update once it's...
  40. Amelia

    Back to Silence

    How wonderful! This was just what I needed to hear tonight. I'm logging off now to leave on a positive :)
  41. Amelia

    Habituation Reachable? Only Positive Encouragements!

    There are members of this board now - plus the past members who no longer visit - that will say yes. To me, Habituation isn't about hearing silence again with no T, it's about getting to a place when you no longer care and your brain just learns to concentrate on other things, so T gets pushed...
  42. Amelia

    Increase — Stress or Meds?

    Hi T family! Hoping you can weigh in on this for me. I've been doing ok T wise - I'm working on @I who love music theory :) but last night my nasty hum came back and my ringing went up to a level I'd not heard before. It also seemed a lot "sharper" if that makes sense. Took a while to get to...
  43. Amelia

    Went Out Drinking at a Loud Bar (With Earplugs)

    If you can't tell - then stop listening and trying to work it out! Pretty sure you would know if it made it worse so relax :) it's probably just your anxiety playing tricks on you!
  44. Amelia

    Tell Me to Harden Up!

    You guys are fantastic!!! Thank you @jazz, @Mike82, @Leah, @Karen, @RichL, @Sailboardman, @Valery, @HThom4, @Mark McDill & @conbsgc I'm booked in, and feeling more positive about it now. My husband is a little bit amused that I'll listen to strangers advice on here above his, but I really...
  45. Amelia

    G'day from Brisbane, Australia

    Hi @Mike82 - another Aussie here (near Sydney!) and I think, if the 82 in your username is anything to go by, another 1982 baby? I'm inching closer to 33 and none to happy about it! haha Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it, but I gotta say, my experience with medical professionals...
  46. Amelia

    Tell Me to Harden Up!

    I've had locals since and it dulled my T a little, so fingers crossed it has the same effect!
  47. Amelia

    Betaserc (Betahistine)

    Just seen this pop back up and realise I didn't come back to update my serc experience ... Big surprise but it didn't do a damn thing!
  48. Amelia

    Can Sugar Make Tinnitus Worse?

    My dad (very bad tinnitus) swears white chocolate ramps his up to a scream, so I think it's totally plausible that sugars can affect tinnitus.
  49. Amelia

    Tell Me to Harden Up!

    I need some tough love - so no negative Nancy's please ;) I need a general anestetic. I've already cancelled the procedure once because I got cold feet, but I do need to rebook it. It's relatively minor and isn't anywhere near my ears (it's a small bowel biopsy). Will take about 10-20 minutes...
  50. Amelia

    Health Anxiety

    I always joke I have health anxiety, but deep down I know it's pretty true, I'm the google queen and I'm constantly being asked by new doctors/specialists where I practice or how long I've been in the health profession (I'm not) because I know so much about what's being discussed. It's the...
  51. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    No, like ALL the time. And the word "obsession" is pretty much on the mark for me. I'm obsessed with it, thinking about it, listening for it and bringing everything back somehow to the T. I guess I'm saying that being that way is hard. And I don't want to be like that, so I'm trying :)
  52. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    I wasn't going to pop back into this thread just yet but I totally caved ;) @valeri - you aren't the only one who thinks about their T almost 100% of the time - even when I'm in a loud environment and don't hear it, I still think about it. I've been doing this seriously for 4 days now and...
  53. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    You sound exactly like me and what I find myself saying :)
  54. Amelia

    How Often Do You Mask?

    Thanks @Jesse Pinkman, hope I didn't come across as rude - I just really value my place here and would hate for people to be taking me the wrong way :)
  55. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    I think I'm going to keep track of this via my iphone - so I can record the amount of times I respond
  56. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    @SoulStation - thank you xxx
  57. Amelia

    How Often Do You Mask?

    @Jesse Pinkman - woah!!! Where did you come up with that???? @meeruf did notice I hate my tinnitus - yes I do! Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but then you quoted his comment saying the above. I've not mentioned Dr Nagler in this thread, so if that was directed at me perhaps you...
  58. Amelia

    How Often Do You Mask?

    I guess I should say I "enrich" sometimes then too ... Not loud enough to completely mask it, but loud enough to take my mind off the ringing
  59. Amelia

    Those Who Have Had Tinnitus for at Least 1 Year: Does It Get Better at What % Rate?

    Seriously? Is this medically documented? Am I really severe?!?!?
  60. Amelia

    Response Changing Group

    I'm so in! I've been doing it for a few days now and with the exception of today, I felt a little bit better. For some reason today I'm really struggling and my T seems extra loud - and yes, I know that's not allowed ;) I'd love members to share their mantras/what they say when they notice...