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  • Anyone have tinnitus that sounds like it's right in n middle of head one day and in ears the next day? And very loud?
    John G
    I get that feeling too. Although it is hard to track where it actually is. Just like closing your eyes when there is a fly buzzing around the room
    if you mean fluctuating tinnitus, yes! from an ear to another to whole head jumping on various frequency
    Hello Jeannie, have you ever checked out Laser spine for your neck? I still think the neck may be involved. Aren't you from the Cleveland area? I don't know if they're good or bad though?
    Right now it's a loud hiss in both ears. I sent a MRI of my low back & neck to them. I think I will email my cervical x-ray too.
    Please keep me updated.mine is going from middle of whole head to ears and neck hurts everyday....
    Will do. I know any type of surgery is dangerous but I don't like taking high doses of gabapentin either and/or benzos. Would like to get my quality of life back. They supposed to contact me within 3 days I believe.
    Hi jeannie, i have sent messages to others and i am looking forward to a reply from you please help me i hear my heart pounding wen i try to sleep, sometimes in the day as well if i sm concentrating on my heart beat. I have gastritis which caused b12 n other vitamin defficiency so pls help me i wanna talk to u pls. 3147373643
    Hi Kranthi, that is pulsitle tinnitus, which could be caused from a vessel disorder. see if gp will order an MRA of the brain it will check the vessels.also b-12 deficiency can cause tinnitus. make sure you are seeing a doctor to get these treated..keep me posted please.
    Hello Jeannie and Happy New Year!! Was wondering if your TMJ crepitus was on the same side as your bad tinnitus ear? I was going to send you my 3 page report but didn't yet. I have to find it and scan.
    Ya mine has completely gone to a zero before.and changes from head to ears.I'm thinking opptical neuralgia.?that's compressed nerves at base of skull.
    My crepitus is on my left bad ear side also so there's a chance the noise could be from that interfering with some small ear muscles possibly. I notice my left ear doesn't crack when I swallow either today so could be ETD. Confusing!
    Mine sometimes sounds like Morse code on top of buzzing.neck is always sore ,tight ,achy too...I could have gotten a cervical branch block but I'm to afraid too....
    I do have a elastic mandibular advancer to pull my lower jaw ahead for left side TMJ disorder and for sleep apnea.It was suppose to keep my airway open and make the noise go away. I am still not sure if my noise is from inner ear damage or TMD or something else.. I could PM you my 3 page Dr. report if you want... if I can find it.
    I hope you've been having some success with this demon! I had a basically normal day a couple days ago and then it restarted upon awakening again. Cervical injection awhile back did not help but was done by my C7 area.
    It's back again
    T is like people you'd rather not associate with, but always seem to show up everywhere you go. Sorry it came back.
    Ya Richard I thought so too,maybe a coincidence??? 2 days in a row ...
    Richard zurowski
    Well they seem to work for you. But a word of caution.i don't know the long term effects of this drug. If constantly used ?
    It's going strong today but its in middle of head instead of ears and nothing reduces it in my head.just when its in ears...weird????
    hi ! i had something weird happen... i took ibuprofin 600 mg and my tinnitus went down to a 1-2..
    Richard zurowski
    And ibuprofen are supposed to make tinnitus worse . I wonder sometimes if all this hype about drugs and tinnitus is true. I think not.
    Nice to hear that you had a good day Jeannie.
    Ya my doctor thinks I'm a wish he had to have my issues just for a week
    I seem to be doing some better today. I have to use my TMJ appliance every night in case that's part of my problem. Also using Flonase. I think the spine docs think I'm nuts and that it's all inner ear damage.
    Doctors don't do them at c1 c2? Ya.I'm thinking my neck has something to do with mine too..good luck!!!!!!!!hope it helps you!!
    Not yet, Sept. 4th. C1-C2 injection could help if a Dr. would do it that high. I'm still looking,hoping that the neck is at least partially the cause. Injections are at least conservative compared to surgery.
    Hello Jeannie, Maybe it's just noise exposure damage? I'm still looking at the neck angle anyway, nothing to lose.
    Hello Jeannie. I still think DDD is still the cause of this nasty noise. Sleepless Soul had a lot of screeching and I doubt she had much noise exposure. I guess the only way to find out is probably a neck fusion or ADR surgery. I did see a PA at Midwest Spine last Thur. and he said my neck would need something done eventually and to have MIS on my lower back.
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