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  • I haven't been here in awhile. T is still bad. May have mild H but I think I'm also anxious. Handling it ALOT better, but still very sad.
    We are all very sad, but we must go on. Enjoy the snippets of happiness and low T.
    It's been one year since onset. Zero improvement. And no doctors will or can help me. I have been depressed everyday and hate being alive
    Try for another year.... Passing time helps to assimilate this horrible condition.
    Hi how are you feeling? I was wondering about the ear pressure you get I have stared with this ents say nothing is there and mri and mra is normal. Got an appointment next week with someone who deals with hearing and balance as ent said that is who wI'll put me on the right road I have no clue other than that so far
    Well tinnitus is still there, I *think* it has gone down in volume, or my perception of it has. It doesn't bother me as much anymore. I sleep good. I avoid headphones, concerts, and movie theatres. But other than that life is normal. All medical professionals I have seen haven't found anything. Hearing according to ENT is perfect.
    God. It's weird to think, just a year ago I was shopping for an engagement ring, looking forward to my life. Amazing how things change.
    I still look forward to my life, things can change.
    Been almost 6 months since T onset and zero improvement. Guess I'm not part of those BS stats. Sorry. Just bitter tonight.
    I hear ya, 7 months for me with no improvement. Hard not to be bitter sometimes. I'm at one of those points myself. But we'll swing back.
    @Jake007 I hope you're right. Some days are good, some days are very difficult.
    Right when I start habituating, T decides to crank up the volume. Just a cruel game life is sometimes. Trying to hang in there.
    In the same boat Ronnie; hard to get used to something that is always "new". Hang in there, we'll win this fight eventually.
    @Paul10 I appreciate that, and I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. I swear T has a mind of its own.
    Can't explain what it is, but lately, I've been in the best mood possible. I hope this keeps up! Bless all you fighters out there.
    You deserve to be in the best mood! enjoy the good times :D
    Good for you! Enjoy and keep it up! I firmly believe that regardless of external (and I guess internal) forces, we have a certain amount of ability to override things and control our own mood and happiness! What it is for you - may it continue!
    Thank you @JMobile @Mario martz Whatever it is... it must be that great healer, time. I know the journey is far from over but for the first time in a long while I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel methinks. Stay strong everyone, T is a real you-know-what!
    Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, and Van Damme movies for whatever reasons keeps me sane during this tinnitus bul****t
    Love those movies
    I'm on a bit of a binge lately, with my social life out of order... I watched both Men of War with Dolph and Out For Justice with Stevie boy last night, still great fun @Jake007
    So if finger tapping technique doesn't work, does it mean somatic tinnitus?
    I think somatic T is when you can alter it by jaw, eye, and neck movements. Not sure if finger tapping technique applies.
    Hearing test today., results: zero hearing loss. Perfect hearing. Tinnitus mystery continues.
    He thinks it's related to my head injury, or maybe a misaligned jaw.
    Could be the trigger but usually there's also some hearing loss. In fact, nearly every adult has some hearing loss. However, ENTs and audiologists only consider the most important frequencies and as Foncky states, they don't consider all types of hearing loss.
    I'll bring that up at my next appointment
    It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward
    "Halfway to heaven, I saw light was dark. The deep blue of emptiness, my refuge so strong. Chariots of fire, chariots of ice."
    Officially T for two months. Broke down and cried today. As a grown man, not something I want to admit. Some days good. Today hard. talking about tinnitus gave me more respect for him than his music ever did. Seriously though, nice words on the subject.
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