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  • Hi, thanks for your post... And hope you getting better too . I think I learning how to manage this condition . I been able to control the noise some how. We need to brave, but I admit that at some point I even cry like a coward..... Pray helps very much..... My regards
    Hi Carol
    Hope things are going ok. Hope you don't mind I read, you got t from noise as your husband was working with a high pitch drill. Do you blame him? I got mine from what my wife told me to do. I'm trying to forgive her. Takes time I guess.
    Would be kind to hear from you.
    Sincerely Jack
    Jack Tate
    Ok ... thanks for trying! Best to you and family!
    can you in box me just put hello and then i can write back to you.
    Jack Tate
    this might be silly, I don't know how. I looked to see to send message (in box) see nothing. All I can see is start a conversation?
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