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  1. C

    Been Through the Worst

    I'm the same, nothing masks it except the shower and I can't stay in there all day.
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    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Thanks Marlene, i will do exactly that, God bless you for caring x
  3. C

    Bad Day... There I Said It!

    God Bless you, that is all, Thinking of you as my T is going bloody nuts right now. x
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    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Thank you Relic Hunter, i know this means stroke or heart attack for me, but to be honest if my T get's louder as a result of these meds, i'd rather be dead !!! sorry to be a fool, but i just know i can't live with it any more ... sorry but i won't take the meds, i'm too scared. x
  5. C

    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Thanks Marlene, i appreciate your help. x
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    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Hi JimH, i went to the doctor yesterday, that is how i know my BP reading, she gave me the meds i mentioned, i'm scared to take them as i think they might be ototoxic, she said they're not, but she doesn't really know doe she ???
  7. C

    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Thank you so much Marlene, i really appreciate the advice, nice one x
  8. C

    Blood Pressure Medication, Would Like Some Advice Please...

    Does anyone know of AMLODIPINE BESYLATE, or had any dealings with it? my blood pressure measured 200 over 100 and i need to bring this down, but don't want my T to go up, i'm really confused as to what to do? any advice would be great thanks.
  9. C

    Three Days of Low Tinnitus — After Almost a Year of Banging Tinnitus?

    I just wanted to say that the last three days have been met with low T, not silent, but low ... i know it's looming as i can still hear it, but what a difference these past three days have been, just felt normal again!!! I've done nothing different, and i know it's not Habituation, it's just...
  10. C

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    @ walkthroughwall, my advice for what it's worth ... tell your T that you are leaving it at the door of the exam room, and that you will pick it right back up when leaving the exam room. For the next three hours concentrate only on your exams, your mind will be so focused on the job in hand that...
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    How to Cope?

    @ Kopsey, i live very near Northampton, although i'm in Florida at the moment, i've never met anyone in person with T, apart from an Army friend of mine, who quite frankly doesn't give a damn ... how i long to talk about it with someone who has a teeny, weeny, clue of what i'm talking about!!!
  12. C

    Do You Ever Habituate to Complete Silence (Silent Room)?

    @ sandra72, you will get there,you sound good about it now and the months will just keep getting better and better !!! good luck x
  13. C

    How to Cope?

    Yes i have it in both ears, some days i feel like you, that i just can't do this anymore, and i agree with what you said why can't this condition be sorted out?? I hope and pray for a cure !!! just take care of yourself, and don't let the T bully beat you.
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    How to Cope?

    OK Danny, firstly you've gone in to panic mode, i did too, death is the only way out for you at the moment, i did that too, i've got so many pills that i can put a stop to this right now if i so choose... comforts me knowing that !! you are only 3 months in, boy this is the toughest time you...
  15. C

    Does Coffee or Wine Spike Your Tinnitus?

    not me !!
  16. C

    Very Down Today...

    Thank you Billie and Karen, i'm not quite a year in yet, i hope my attitude to this disorder changes, again all i worry about every day is that it will get louder, and that life will become impossible then. Im really trying to just accept it as part of me now, but long for the old me! thanks to...
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    Very Down Today...

    Thanks Karen, i really appreciate you caring words. I hope you're having a better day, as for me i'm hanging on in there, but some days i'm really depressed and fed up ... sending hugs to you too, x
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    Very Down Today...

    I'm even ignored by my T family ??
  19. C

    Very Down Today...

    Hi Kathi, i'm glad you're back as i missed you, I'm in Florida at the moment and i woke up early and as usual tinnitus was right by my side hissing like crazy ... i just sat down and broke my heart as like you my life isn't as enjoyable anymore, i always loved coming to my home over here, and...
  20. C

    My Friend with Tinnitus Just Passed

    Lisa, so, so sorry for your loss, may your friend R.I.P x
  21. C

    Screaming Children

    Marlene i'm glad you and your husband laughed at this ... x
  22. C

    Screaming Children

    A man takes his 5 yr old Grandson into a supermarket and the child starts screaming and shouting at the top of his voice, the man says don't worry Charlie it will soon be over, again and again the man is saying keep calm don't fret Charlie you'll be out here soon and you'll never have to do this...
  23. C

    35 or 40 Years — Really Don't Know What Silence Is...

    Hey Martin, my thoughts exactly ... on meds for D and A caused by T, and i also dread the future !!! But i'm taking the advice of the many wise people on this forum, and will not allow myself to think about the future, i can't worry about something that hasn't happened yet, i'll worry in a year...
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    I don't know what i'm about to read until i start reading it ... as for so called OLDIES that is what they call themselves !!!
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Thank yo Thank you Magpie, your reply makes a lot of sense to me, i would never of thought of these things, so thank you for not telling me off for my OP.
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Pef, i'm sorry that you have been offended by my OP, i did not suggest at any time oldies should not post !!! i am often told that if you give yourself time, things will get better and better !! SO my point is this .... time does not make things better as people who have been suffering for 10...
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Not at all clare, and thank you, and bless you for caring x
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    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    Valeri, my point exactly ... what a dumb ass bitch of a person, let's hope she becomes old news and pisses off. X
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    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    No!!! Telis, i could hear mine but when is was played i couldn't hear it as mine was louder...
  30. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Thank you so much cull, your support is amazing, i know i'm not alone, but feel very much so at the moment, one day i feel i can do this, and the next day i think oh no i can't !!! everything you say above makes sense, so thanks again for your caring and compassionate post, wishing you a very...
  31. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Telis, firstly i did not tell anyone that they shouldn't post, i asked them to think before doing so, we all need to vent and that is what i was doing, so apologies for offending people, and yes you're quite right some of the things that are said i don't want to hear!!! of course i only want to...
  32. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Billie thank you so much for your words of encouragement, i really have taken on board what you have said !!! i never meant that oldies shouldn't post, of course they've got as much right to post as anyone else, i just meant that when i read it i'm sad and scared as i think OMG this is what my...
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Thank you Zimichael, i really appreciate your help and i meant no harm with my op i guess i'm just just looking for assurance that i won't be still suffering in 10 20 yrs plus, the thought of it scares me senseless . You are a very kind person and i have read many of your post's and have felt...
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    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Thank you so much, really appreciated .
  35. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Thank you for your reply it has cleared a lot of questions i had about habituation, i'm still trying to come to terms with this thing, and i'm struggling with the thought that this is for life, thanks again.
  36. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    What the heck is Retigabine, please explain to me, as i refuse to read one more story about how this can take my life !!! Thank you in advance ...
  37. C

    Oldies sometimes make us newbies feel worse!

    Why do i read time and time again, Tinnitus since ... 1990, 2001, 2002, etc, etc, this just makes my heart sink, as all i ever hear is you will habituate, you'll start forgetting about it, your brain will get bored of hearing it, and i think halleluya!! time will help me so just be patient ...
  38. C

    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    Idiots, the whole point of this effing thing is that it doesn't get better, it can and often does get worse !!!!
  39. C

    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    @ washashore, thanks for your reply, i too have good and bad days, i just want my before life back ... i agree staying at home alone sucks big time, and also like you, rock music and even concerts have never been my thing ... but bars and nice restaurants are my thing, although i still go i...
  40. C

    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    I want Zachery's T ... i couldn't hear anything ...
  41. C

    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    @washashore, i know that this thing is invisible to others, i'm just feeling so pissed off with having to deal with it every day ... putting plugs in only means that my T screams louder in my brain and i just can't wait to take them out !!! it would be great if i walked into a bar and saw...
  42. C

    Explaining Tinnitus to Others?

    No one, but no one gets it unless they have it, and that im afraid is a fact !!! my friends and family have seen me on my knees crying. they've seen me have panic attacks, they've heard me talk about ending my own life ... and they still blurt out stupid f>>>ing things like, there's a live band...
  43. C

    can you in box me just put hello and then i can write back to you.

    can you in box me just put hello and then i can write back to you.
  44. C

    i'm trying to answer you but it won't let me post???

    i'm trying to answer you but it won't let me post???
  45. C

    I Didn't Know My Own Strength

    Dear Martin, i'm so sorry to read your post, i know how this affliction can take your life from you, how it can make you depressed, and very worried about the future, and will it get worse? but you have survived 9.5 months and you will continue to survive. It's ok to cry, i often have to leave...
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    I'm Going to Take a Little Break Starting Tomorrow....

    I'll miss you Kathi, we got our T at the same time and you've encouraged me so much ... don't stay away too long big hugs to you x
  47. C

    Making Tinnitus Your Best Friend

    Thank you all for your comments and advice, i really, really appreciate that someone gives a damn. My husband has had enough of my condition and just tells me to get over it and live your life as he slams doors and clangs dishes ... thanks honey!!! and i know he means it when he says if i could...
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    Making Tinnitus Your Best Friend

    Thank you so much for your reply ampumpkin, what you say makes a lot of sense, and sometimes i tell myself i can do this ... it is so so hard but for now i'll keep pushing on and pray for habituation, i'm glad that you can beat this awful awful condition, thanks again.
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    Making Tinnitus Your Best Friend

    No offence intended, i certainly don't want anyone to become depressed and stressed, the fact is ... it is not an incurable disease, it's a life of pure hell, if i was told Carol you have this disease and there is nothing we can do for you, but the good news is you won't have to listen to this...
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    I Didn't Know My Own Strength

    I had nowhere to turn had nowhere to go, lost sight of my dreams, i was lost in a never ending scream in my ears and head, lost sight of myself and cared nothing for anyone else, my life was over ... it was hell. One day not that long ago i decided to pick myself up and hold my head up high, i...
  51. C

    Making Tinnitus Your Best Friend

    Hey Martin, that's like saying, oh got a toothache make it your friend???? oh you have a terminal illness, well firstly make it your friend, oh live next door to a mass murderer,make him your friend ... i say to all the above you have to be killed off, you are not wanted in my life !!! T is the...
  52. C

    A quick update on me

    Fantastic news, did you have drilling done? i'm presuming you did !!
  53. C

    What About Tinnitus That Worsens After Eating?

    I eat what i want when i want ... to hell with Tinnitus, i never used to eat anything in the early on set of T, but i lost 28 lbs my skin was awful and my hair started to fall out ... not any more, that i'll take the spike thanks and do my best to ignore it !!!!
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    A quick update on me

    Hi Patty, good luck at the dentists tomorrow, i also have been avoiding the dentist but will have to brave it soon, please let me know how it goes.
  55. C

    Folks With Tinnitus for Over Ten Years

    Thanks lapidus, you've made me happier after reading that about H, i would love it to go away then i would just have to deal with the T, 8 months is such a short time to expect any kind of healing i suppose? i hope yours gets better soon, it's not much fun is it ... you seem ok with it, in...
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    Folks With Tinnitus for Over Ten Years

    Hi, i don't think i gave myself H due to over protecting, H came with T for me, and i do agree with you i think i plug too much, but i'm so, so, so, so scared to just let my ears hear loud voices shouting and laughing it makes me want to just run home lock the door and throw away the key, if i...
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    Folks With Tinnitus for Over Ten Years

    lapidus, this has always been my thoughts about total habituation ... because one can't hear their tinnitus life just seems normal again, and so ear protection isn't as important any more because in ones mind they no longer have a problem! understandable... that is a mistake, once your ears are...
  58. C

    What Would You Give Up to Have Your Hearing Normalized?

    I would give up everything i have and more, just to be normal again would be great. To be able to say to my friends and Family yes i'll come to that, yes count me in, because all i do now is turn down every invite as i just know that it will be too loud for me, so i'm home alone while everyone...
  59. C

    Greatly Improved Story/Goodbye Message

    Well done Cull, enjoy catching up with your life again, i wish you everything wonderful for your future ... take care and God bless you and keep you safe!!!
  60. C

    What Is Your Strategy?

    Thanks Kathi, i'm slowly moving on, i'm still coming to terms with this affliction and i still long for my old life back, but i know i can never have it back, i still haven't told everyone in my life about this and find myself telling little white lies when asked to go to the cinema, or the...