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  • Neen, how is school going? Are you purposefully staying away from T boards? Me.
    heya, nah im not purposely staying away, its just i have so much uni work to do i simply cant find the time! its hard, it builds on all this prior knowledge, none of what i have! crap!
    Hello :) I want to ask something, hope it doesn't make you sad. I saw some of your posts by chance and, were you eating enough when your T started? My T started while I was on a very strict diet, trying to get rid of my insomnia by creating sensitivity to insulin. I began to sleep but I was feeling weak. I think it might have caused the T. Also, I saw your post about a clicking sound. Have you considered TMJ?
    Yer, I was eating almost fine when it started. I still have trouble with it but I'm a lot better than before. I've had an MRI and no TMJ. So, i have no idea what it's from. I keep searching for a reason but maybe it was just pure bad luck
    I see. Happy that you're better :) You know, I've taken Physiology courses and saw that everything that goes wrong in a body is actually quite simple to understand. Just research has to be done. Hope the reasons for our troubles are found soon :)
    You can still be all of those things! Don't know if your "T" is just temporary or not? It doesn't need to matter. You have to not allow it to take over your life (i.e. as you've done). Own it! Make a decision that you "will" be everything you want to be in spite of a stupid ring in your ears. It doesn't have to matter that much. You are making it matter.
    I love to sleep. I love to be lazy. I love to be happy. I love to be relaxed. All has been taken from me. I want it back. Help me please!
    Eventually you will love to do all those things again. You already have experience of beating one difficult disorder, and there's no reason why this will not happen also with tinnitus. Well, I've said this to you plenty of times, but had to say it here too as I just checked out your profile... :) You are one tough girl, not one to give up! Best wishes.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to look out for me. I really really do appreciate your wise words and I know that I post a lot of desperation but I guess I just need to hear the same thing thousands of times just to get a small ounce of hope. Thanks Markku, you're the best <3
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