Recent content by 2Fight

  1. 2

    Poll: Why Aren't You Donating to Tinnitus-Related Fundraisers?

    I'm dropping in my 2 cents. The people who voted "I don't have enough money to afford even the smallest donation" are lying to themselves. Frankly, EVEN THOSE on welfare should be able to donate a couple of pounds or dollars or euros if they REALLY WANT to.
  2. 2

    Aneurysm Survivor's Story — Onset Tinnitus

    I just had my 2nd Anniversary of Aneurysm rupture in the right PICA of the cerebellum and subsequent subarachnoid hemorrhage. After 3 months from my hospital discharge, I noticed ringing in my ear as well as dizziness. After visit with Ear, Nose, Throat, the audiogram showed that I had...