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  • I was fine with the state of my T for a long time, however after a cold/flu, my left ear feels clogged, in pain, constant popping.
    It's 2 am and I am really scared with this horrible thoughts inside of me
    I understand how you feel :/ I hope you can somehow shift your thoughts :/
    Never using headsets again, only made my situation worse ...
    @Jack Straw Just curious....what would be the purpose of using headphones with such low volume that you barely hear it? seems pointless to me.
    I'm sorry you have to give up headphones. I learned the hard way twice. Seems a fair bit feel it's safe but I have been too traumatized. One accidental blast is all it takes for T and H.
    Jack Straw
    @Contrast oh jesus. Don't get him started. lol
    I don't know what to do. Life really seems hopeless with tinnitus. Can't have a normal life can't follow my dreams
    Don't give up. Keep fighting or else you'll regret it.
    Me neither.
    Same :( I wake up every morning, thinking I wish I never did.
    I think I actually deserve tinnitus so I guess I have to accept it
    I'll be the judge of that, how much of a degenerate were you?
    the only people who deserve this are the ones running this world only for a few months no one deserve a lifetime of this
    @Contrast In a certain situation I get an extreme uncontrollable rage that makes me say the worst stuff to people and do stupid shit
    I want to comfort Tomoko and tell her everything will be alright so badly.
    I don't know about the /a/ part because the Japanese anime companies have made it overwhelmingly obvious they only care about the Japanese audience.

    But the rest is true. It's kind of a miracle that it got a season to begin with.
    @Contrast idk I heard the manga volumes get more and more sales with each one, and it gets more interesting now that she made her own social circle. I think the anime didn't get more seasons is because it hit way too close home for some of the Japanese audience
    That's a shame. I liked it when it hit close to home.
    Is it worth living like this? Can I follow my dreams with this condition? Can I get into a relationship? I don't know anymore
    I'm alone and majorly depressed. I feel like I am getting deeper into the NEET life. Probably made my tinnitus worse with headphones too Idk
    Maybe I deserve to suffer
    You don't! I don't care what happened or what you did, you saying this already tells me you're not someone that deserves to suffer.
    Agree with autumnly! You do not deserve this one bit - hugs to you.
    Heavily depressed. Don't know if I can keep going for much longer
    So sorry to hear you're struggling! I just want to punch this condition in the face. Following research updates isn't helpful for everyone but I like to have small goals such as staying strong until December of this year to hear how Frequency's Phase1/2 trial turned out. Hoping you'll feel better eventually!
    @Autumnly the tinnitus is horrible but there are alot of other things that destroy my mind nowadays alongside with my tinnitus
    I know I probably don't have a really good mind but can I at least get one good thing to happen in my life?
    There's literally a mosquito that won't stop buzzing around me even if I hide under blanket. Wtf let me sleep
    I promised Il change... 4 days later I go back to my old path as usual
    4 days is better than zero days.
    Give it a go again sometime in the future.
    @Phendran the problem is i keep failing for like 100 times already it feels really bad
    That means you've tried a lot, which is commendable.
    Failure can be tough, especially when it happens often.

    Maybe it's time to try a different approach?
    Maybe do something at a different pace, or lean back a bit and see what the world has in it.
    Still haven't bought ear protection. Got exposed to some loud sounds going outside. Don't feel good at all. Everything too loud in big city
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