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  • Seems as if I'm starting the new year with a spike (fingers crossed it's not permanent). Off to a good start.
    Was doing so well, have barely thought about T the last couple of weeks. Now fullness and spike. Please go away thank you
    Two night in a row now my T has woken me up and I've had a hard time falling back to sleep again. Great, just great.
    Loud motorcycle passed right next to me, now I'm super worried that it made my T worse. Fucking hate this.
    This happened to me yesterday. Even had an earplug in my hand. Some reason I said, "fuck it" and continued waiting for it pass without inserting the plug. Definitely ruined my afternoon. Fortunately my tinnitus didn't spike.
    @housemzk glad to hear that it didn't spike for you! Turns out I was just as lucky, because I didn't notice anything either.
    Not sure if it has gotten worse or if I'm just stressing about it, but I'm back to where I was in january. Feels like I'm going crazy.
    Quit my job yesterday, it was just too much noise going on. Now what.
    I'm sure things will turn out for the best.
    Stay positive.
    Are you a fast typist? There's transcribing stuff you can do from home.
    Tinnitus has once again become a problem, was handling it really well for a while. Well, the T isn't the main issue, it's the worrying.
    A car passed me, about a meter away. Just as it does, it's damned mirror fell off an shattered right next to me?! What are the odds.
    I really miss my headphones. Like, a lot.
    Me too
    Get a good home speaker system... The sound quality will be miles ahead of a headphone, you won't miss them much anymore (at least I don't).
    @AZeurotuner I would really like too, but I live in an apartment from the 40s, meaning that there is no sound isolation at all. Even though my neighbours do not care about how much sound they make, I still wanna be a good neighbour I'm afraid haha.
    Trying really hard to not freak out because of my flight tomorrow. It's really hard though, considering flying with T makes me terrified.
    Fascinating to think of all the things I've done in the past without a second thought when nowadays I worry about going to the grocery store
    Was having a great day because the T was almost completely silent. Then it decided it was time to spike. Wonderful.
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