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  • Hi, some news! I maybe have temporomandibular arthritis. My GP told me to make a radio of my jaw, and to go to a jaw specialist. Take care!
    My T is really quiet since I began my treatment. Ofloxacine (for sinusitis) Bilastine and Rhinomaxil (for allergy). Wait and see.
    Back on meds for sinusitis. Prednisolone kill my T. Not a good thing imo - It break the habituation process. Wait and see!
    Going on the forum less and less... Because I'm taking my life back after 3month+ ! Having more days when I don't listen to my T. Take care!
    Had a sinus scanner ! Results : Sinusitis.
    Mister Muso
    How do you get a sinus scan? I've had sinus congestion for years, but when I mentioned it to my ENT doc, he just said "oh yes lots of people have that" and changed the subject.
    @Mister Muso Hm, go to another ENT/GP that is more concerned about your condition ? My GP just told me to get a sinus scan. I didn't have to ask!
    Any treatment options?
    Oops, no spike from dentist but dysacusis is back : A low tone above some noise, like shower etc... yeepee!
    Okay, met a 2nd ENT and dentist. Still no problem and hearing loss. dentist said I have a malocclusion. No spike from dentist btw as always.
    Oops : Dysacusis is back, a phone tone above shower etc... Yay!
    Tomorrow : Sinus scanner 'cause my doc asked me to do it + Dentist to looking for TMJ. I will share the results!
    I can't swallow food without a sip of water and have trouble chewing most of foods because my jaw muscles become numb. Dentist, here I come.
    Hi, what told your dentist about numb jaw muscles, i think, that i have same issue and Im afraid to do not get trigeminal neuralgia
    Back from 1w vacation, went to a amusement park, a lot of scream next to me. No spikes. It was a good healthy week, needed it!
    @Striveon I first stopped wearing protection at home.I use to not be able to stand dishes being put on counter and I always thought the TV was too loud even when on very low volumes.Someone putting a spoon in the sink was the WORSE.I stopped wearing ear muffs at home now,but the first few days I made sure to put them back on if something caused pain or discomfort.Now I can tolerate everyday house noises very well.
    @Striveon *Continued*

    Took about a week or so for me to get to that point,I think,in my case,that I made my noise sensitity worse due to protecting too much.We are all different so listen to your body/ears and heed their warnings if something doesn't feel right.
    Hi Blodorn, did you still have dysacusis as sypmtom or it has subsided? For me it started 4 days ago first time in my life and i thought that i will loose my job, because in some places i hear this additional whistling sound
    As for how my story started. Years of drumming followed by playing electric guitar using headphones. Happened as soon as I took off the headphones.
    Hi ! Sorry for the late answer. I did not see your question.
    Nop, I do not suffer from dyacusis anymore. It usually come back when I experiment a sudden loud noise (not dangerous) close to my ear and it last for maybe a week.
    Ignore it, It will disappear with time!
    Maybe your dysacusis is gone now ? I hope so !
    Wonderful to hear yours went away. I've had mine for 2 months and I hate it so much. Also came with hyperacusis, which also has not improved. Also it has made my T run absolutely wild where before it was a 2/10 and did not bother me.
    To news sufferers, a tip : Live your passion. Just finished a video game in 40h, During these 40h, I didnt care of my T. Game was too good!
    Bill Bauer
    Are you advising people to ignore the risk of getting a new acoustic trauma? Would you advise a diabetes sufferer, whose passion is chocolate, to eat a lot of chocolate?
    Oof, D+2 without prednisolone, my T is louder than ever. It's okay, No emotionnal response needed. Let's keep living!
    It's going to be louder for a little while now that you're off. This will settle down in a week or two in my experience
    Yesterday my friend yelled and my ear hurted me. No spike but distortions are back. I think my H still exist but stay hidden in a corner
    Day 2 on prednisolone and antibiotic, (Also ear drop and nasal spray) No noticable change but my T is mild as usual.
    What are you taking antibiotics for if I may ask?
    @Mathieulh @TheDanishGirl I dont know much, He said "Your eardrum is inflamed, take this this and this, bye."He didnt explain, So I just follow the treatment, Prednisolone and antibiotic. No side effect. But the eardrop hurt my ear canal for a couple hours.
    Sorry about that. Hope you feel better soon and have no trouble with the antibiotics in terms of the tinnitus :) I have personally been lucky to never have needed antibiotics.......I fear them greatly now, and hope I will never have to take them.
    I take so many shower since it litterally give me silence for a few minutes when I get out. Sorry Earth for the waste or water...
    I get the same....although no more than a minute.
    Likewise, shower is literally the only thing that masks my tinnitus.
    Went home and noticed it was more silent than usual. My Home is usually the worst place for my T. But I heard silence for 5min. It was good!
    Sooo jealous. I haven't heard it yet. Been close once or twice but not yet. The ear fullness/dullness is most bothersome currently
    I have to upgrade my profile picture, this pics was taken 1month before my Tinnitus. I do not look like my old self anymore haha...
    T forced me to accelerate projects just in case I become depressive. me and my gf will go to Japan in 2020. It's our couple dream. thx T.
    I'm happy for you! Keep your positive spirit up.
    I'm trying to get some distance with forums as I'm kinda addict to them. I Only come to read success story and update statut!
    that's how you get misguided. Success stories can be regretted after made.
    It's been a long time since I've had pure tone. Now it's only electrical noise in my head. Very mild. It Seem like a progress.
    New discovery : I can modulate my T with my jaw and my neck. I could give chiropractor or osteopath a try.
    Look for physiotherapists specialized in tinnitus. They might not know a lot about T, but they do understand it more than doctors if the cause is physical. As in jaw, neck, tension, muscle related stuff
    Michael Leigh
    With respect Blodorn, you haven't listened to acted upon any of the advice that I have given you. I really don't know why I bother as it's a complete waste of time. If you are not careful, you are going to make your tinnitus much worse like someone else in this forum that didn't listen.
    Michael Leigh
    Leave your tinnitus alone and stop monitoring every little change, this is quite normal. If you continue this behaviour and wanting to seek treatment you are likely to make things a lot worse, then you'll really have something to complain about. Leave the tinnitus alone!
    24h without sleep for external reasons, My T do not seem to spike because of lack of sleep. Still looking for what could spike my T haha.
    Pink noise kill my T. It's likely temporary but I could sit in silence for at least 5min. Maybe I can kill it with a pink noise therapy ?
    Michael Leigh
    The less you focus on the tinnitus the better you will feel. Don't try to use pink noise or any type of sound to mask or kill the tinnitus. You have to give it time, at least 12 to 18 months to recover. The more you concern yourself and worry over the tinnitus, the longer the habituation process will take.
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