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  • Oof. Bad day for my mental health. Have made a nap because I didnt want to do anything else.
    Good, I hope you got some rest :)
    I tried to take a nap today. It was impossible.
    My gf went to 2concerts in 2days unprotected despite my warnings. She's fine. So happy for her. But jealous. Why are my ears so weak haha.
    Bill Bauer
    A good analogy is someone buying a motorcycle, only to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair as a result...
    Well, If she have T, I'll not ask her to find it. I prefer that she stay unconscious of it. Maybe one day she'll find it, And I'll be there to share the knowledge this forum taught me. For now, I try to warn her but she don't take it seriously...
    Bill Bauer
    Dysacusis is coming... I hear ringing among some normal noises. Like my computer fan. Or water. Also when i scratch my beard haha. Damn...
    Is that what that is? I've had that since early on. When the shower runs or sink. Stops as soon as I turn it off. That's gotten better though
    @Rb86 Yeah i think so, Every threads I find on Dysacusis describe my (our) symptoms. And yeah it come and goes too. It come often with a ear pain in my case.
    I REALLY miss my headphones, As a big gamer, it's really hard to play with speakers... I'm like Gollum with his ring haha. I can do it!
    Same here. I still play off on on but not nearly the same co-op games.
    Slept 14h (2AM-4PM don't judge me haha) and my T has never be so silent. Sleep a lot really help!
    I'm so jealous. Sleep is a big challenge for me. Do you guys take something for sleep or use sound machines?
    @Rb86 I always hated silence, even before my tinnitus, so I don't need anything to sleep except TV. My personnality help me a lot haha. My T is mild though.
    Take care!
    @Rb86 I take mirtazapine to sleep. Works great, but I can very rarely sleep 11 hours or more. Sound machine never did anything for me.....I need silence to fall asleep naturally.
    I met my ENT today : No hearing loss, perfect ear-drum. Eustachian tube dysfunction he said. He is sure my T will go away by itself. Hmm..
    that's what they all say
    They are clueless, but good luck. Your T seems to have potential to get much better or go away though, so maybe he'll be right
    Well, Even if he's wrong, He gave me some positivity, I don't expect my T to go away, but it help to keep going :) I choose a young ENT with modern formation (Around 30yo), I prefer haha.
    Tomorrow I will met my first ENT and osteopath. If they find nothing, I guess I'll just live with it!
    This morning in my bed, it took me a lot of time to notice my T. Never happened before. Good day! :D
    Today was my first day that looked like "habituation". Early but it is mild. No stress, no panic. "T got louder ? Okay, it happen." :)
    I see that some of us cried because of T/H. Never happened to me. I must be very lucky or very insensitive.Wish you the best,you can do it.
    Bill Bauer
    Your T is very mild. Unless you get a new acoustic trauma, my guess is that you will be over it in the next 6-12 (at most 24) months.
    Eric N
    some people have taken there life over this let alone cried
    Count your blessings. A lot of people here struggle with severe, intrusive, live altering tinnitus.
    One month now and my T changed out of nowhere. Ears switched their conditions. (Unilateral T).What a journey. It never stop to surprise me
    Okay, H was probably eustachian disfunction when I woke up, seem gone. T sound like a mild small high pitched Bell. Each day is a new T.
    Today I can say my T do not bother me at all. I can live normally again. Phase of acceptation ? Idk. If it stay at 1/10 i'd say yes.
    Tinnitus come and goes.. Each times I'm like "It's gone!!" and then a few min after it come back.. And a few hour later it goes. Wtf brain!
    New Guy
    If it's going for a while it can go away for longer. It takes time, be patient.
    Today is officially my first month with T. I'd say it lost (from mild to very mild) 80% of its power, It do not impact me that much anymore.
    No T since my dentist appointement. Don't have much Hope but.. An irrationnal faith got me. Afraid of sleeping and waking up with T again.
    New Guy
    Enjoy the silence while you've got it! I hope it stays with you.
    @New Guy Unfortunately it's back this morning as expected haha, but very mild. Thank you for your kind word, wish you the best !
    I saw my dentist today... And anesthesic killed my T. It came back when anesthesic stopped operate.
    Tomorrow is finally my checkup day. One month after T beginning. I don't expect a cure, but at least the cause of my ear troubles!
    Today my T begin to disappear! Sometime it come back to 1/10 . I will not say Victory too soon tho. Will keep everyone in touch.
    Today I woke up with a T almost inexistent ! A mild H is still here sometimes. T 1/10 H 3/10 not painful. 3w after trauma + extrême anxiety
    First day in a loud city After my 3w trauma. I'm at train station, right ear very sensitive but not pain at all. Wait and see.
    Just had a spike, the first since the beginning 3w ago, but it lasted 5sec, was just watching TV at a normal volume. Just wanted to share.
    How could a 0.5second noise that hurt my both ears could possibly only affect my right ear ? + noise came from my left, Brain is a mystery
    Jack Straw
    Unilaterally tinnitus is usually uncommon. Have you brought this up to an ENT. He may suggest an MRI
    @Jack Straw Didnt see any ENT yet, only my doctor and he only removed ear wax. But yep, unilaterally T and H sometime, or at least the right T is too loud to notice the left one (3/10 to 4/10 i'd say), can't say. Huge period of anxiety before my T and still anxious today. Wait and see I guess!
    My tinnitus is also only in one ear. It's from acoustic trauma, and that I'm pretty sure of.

    Maybe one of your ears were more vulnerable than the other at that time?
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