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  • I just want to be life before this also, four years for me and I can't remember how that felt anymore. Just joined today cause I don't have anyone to talk to about it.cant be explained if you don't have it yourself. I do know anxiety makes it worse so you just have to accept. I'm sorry you have this and no answers there.
    Hey Tara
    How are you doing now? My T has been very up and down this past week and I fully sympathise with you I feel desperate.
    Let me know if you want to chat
    Zigs x
    Hi! Yes I'm opening to chatting I've been staying off the forum as I feel it's been increasing my anxiety. Please feel free to private message me!
    Hi Tara, I am new to this forum and also new to Tinnitus. I've seen some of your messages on the forum and I want to give you all my support cause I really feel for you ! I am also having a hard time (almost 2 months in)... So I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and that we're going to go through this ! I'll be around if you want to have a talk ;)

    (Excuse my english, I am from France)
    Hi! Yes it's rough, in a maniac on this forum :/ I'm not handling this well, it's a nightmare. Not sure why this is happening but I'm still not dealing with it well. It's a fucking disaster!
    • L


    @Tara Lyons Have you tried anti-anxiety medication like Xanax ? A good friend of mine had severe hyperacousis and it helped him a lot. I know its not ideal but maybe it can give you some relief and help you cope better...
    I have some anxiety anxiety medication and it helps but I am trying not to become too dependent on it.
    Talking about Employees Only and the West Village is reallly making me miss my old life. Feels like this T stops us in our tracks in fear that going to places we love will make it even worse :(
    As expected no help with the T but I'm having some other things checked out regardless. Thanks for asking!
    Sorry about that! Typical, unfortunately. I feel like that's all I do these days is make medical appts. Oh well, whatever we need to do to take care of our health. You gotta be ur own advocate. Stay strong! :)
    Hey @tbuzz89 ! How are things? I know you're going through some difficult times, and if you ever need to talk just let me know. I know we don't really know each other, but I really care about how you and how you're doing. I can reach out to you if you want to pm me. Please don't give up. :)
    Hi Tara! Are things getting any better?
    Joe P. Tamborra
    So glad you are getting some restored hope. I personally try to use plugs when I am around loud noise; even in Church worship services if the music is to loud.
    Glad you had a better day! Mine was low today as well - it's nice to have a break! I'm sure with some patience the H will calm down too. Are you taking any supplements? Still trying to figure that out. Have a good night!
    I'm taking Magnesium And b2. Can Hyperacusis settle down on its own? Ugh, all of this is just... :/
    Hi Tara! How are you doing today? Thinking of you. :)
    Nothing really seems to affect it except it seems to reset when I sleep. Slightly sensitivity to sounds, especially whistling kettle, but not too bad.
    It's difficult because I don't know how loud it will be when I wake up...
    Eventually it will get better, even if it doesn't fully go away it will get pretty low, from what I've heard. I'm having a hard time with this. I loved silence and I feel robbed :(
    Mornings seem to be hardest for me, it's like I wake up and remember it's another day of this noisy hell :/
    Hi @Tara Lyons ! Have you considered that you may have ETD? TMJ? I was just looking at an old post by Kara77 'My Journey to Silence'. Something else you may want to try is Massage Therapy (if it's stress induced) or an Upper Cervical Chiropractor (I'm currently seeing one - she says 50% of her patients that have tinnitus have some improvement or full recovery within six months).
    No but I was thinking about getting my neck checked out! All this cell phone usage these days, you never know! I've had all tests done - I just don't want to "wait it out" if it's something that can be physically treated.
    The first year is the hardest, once your mind realizes tinnitus is not a threat to your existence, you will not think
    about it as much as you do now; so when that happens your anxiety over it will lessen or go away. You have to
    do what you can to distract your mind away form the tinnitus; this will take effort on your part; reprogramming your mind.
    Joe P. Tamborra
    Hey Tara, People seem to progress at different rates. My tinnitus came on from a tumor on my auditory nerve, which I had removed leaving me deaf in that ear. This made the process of "habituation" harder.
    I miss silence :( what is it like?
    Joe P. Tamborra
    Actually, in the deaf ear, the only thing I can hear is the tinnitus. So your condition is different than mine; you can mask your tinnitus with sound; which helps some sufferers.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    @LilSass, love that video from Isobel Anderson. I have to re-watch to remind myself that this will get better.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    @Tara Lyons, you and I are very similar. I need answers. I want to know how long. Will I ever adapt? Mine is so loud, how can I adapt? That's me, I think the same way. That is why people like you and I tend to struggle a little more.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    I once listened to some psychologist talk about people like us and they said because of the way we think we are successful but when it comes to things we can not control we don't do so well. Not sure if this helps other than to tell you I get it. Your not alone.
    Do you think you might try any clinical trials? My story just like yours
    Hi, probably not. What did your doctor say? Mine says to give it time but I'm too anxious, every day I wake up and worry about it

    This is truly horrible, I can't believe something like this can even exist :(
    Btw, did you get an extended audiogram done? It may give you more clues. But regarding the rest of the audio tests (OAE, acoustic reflex, tympanometry) what I learnt was that there's some level of risk involved so I would advise caution with them.
    But I learnt that wind blowing at them is a high level of noise, try to wear muffs or smthg to reduce the level of noise exposure at this point in time. Don't let wind blow into the ears. Whatever the type of noise is natural or man made, it's the level of noise that matters so try your best to reduce that.
    It's a crazy thing, sometimes it happens and sometimes it's okay, so I can't tell you if that's normal or not. But it has happened to me many times in the car. My only explanation for that is that your ears are sensitive and fragile now so try your best not to trigger it. And noise triggers it. Do you know about wind noise? I know it sounds unbelievable.
    Does anything mask your T? (Fan, sound machine, shower, driving etc)
    What does it sound like?
    Yeah, it's primarily my left ear but it just blades, it's a high pitch scream basically. I can hear it over the TV now.

    I woke up one morning and had this weird echo in my ears and they were ringing and I was dizzy. Then it progressed to sound sensitivity, burning pain, shock like pain after being exposed to noise.

    I get this weird sensation of "loudness." I don't know if you get what I mean when I say that.
    It happened to me when I was in the car too. I think the noise makes it worse. Try and see if you can avoid the triggers that worsen it. Or use some noise dampening materials like earplugs or cotton wool to help reduce the level of noise exposure. Hopefully the loud sounds will settle soon.
    Oh ok so that's normal? I'm so upset and scared
    Also flipped out when I went for a walk in the cold with no ear plugs or muffs. Really went nuts, blaring and pain. Left ear.
    Hi Tara, how are you today?
    Not good. Was in the car for 4 hours yesterday and my ears went ballistic. They are going crazy today too. Just screaming. I left work crying but came back. Why is this happening ;(
    I hope that you have someone to keep you company. My husband is my rock and I don't know if I would have made it this far without him! Are you near Trumbull? We lived there for a year (he's from White Plains, NY). Stay strong Tara. <3
    I'm like 30 mins North! My family is from White Plains! I was born in Port Chester.

    Yes life has changed for sure. It really flared up these last few weeks. It's unbearable lately.

    I ordered special ear plugs and I'm wearing them whenever I may be in a situation that aggravates my ears. They are seriously blaring. This is such a nightmare!

    How are you feeling?
    Hi Tara! Had a bit of a shitty day - t was loud. Managed to get out for a walk, little more bearable. I've gotta get some ear plugs as well. Hoping tomorrow will be better...for everyone! I hope you sleep well
    Unbelievable that life can change so quickly...I never imagined it. Is your mom still staying with you?
    Not really sure at this point. Really? That's all they could say? :(
    Yea of course. No magic pill to get rid of this, and I've had every test under the sun done.


    She noticed my anxiety was super high and suggested I get on antidepressant or something. I don't know. I have two screaming ears right now!!!!! Spent 2 hours in a car, seems to really trigger it.

    Today is a relatively good day, but yeah, things are still a bit rough! My migraines are better since I've been seeing an upper cervical chiro and physio...just need to get rid of this t thing. (BTW I just got your message but it says 11am - you're in CT right?)
    Is yours neck related? Yes I'm in CT. I saw "neurotologist" Today, same old story.. give it time
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