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  • It boggles the mind that medical doctors ceded the space of hearing and audiology to non medical doctors.
    The more I learn about tinnitus and its comorbidities, the angrier I get at doctor's for not taking it seriously at all.
    More than 50% of tinnitus sufferers also get hyperacusis from what I've found online. Why the hell isn't that mentioned to people? Even in the few videos trying to disuade hearing loss.
    People be like 'it's ONLY hearing damage don't worry about it' like what?!? First of all, hearing damage is much more serious than people realise. Second of all, why keep ignoring studies that show our brains literally change?
    Even if this clears up, I'm gonna have my revenge on the system of ignorance that led me here.
    Me too man. Fucking useless advocates that only mention hearing loss and not tinnitus and hyperacusis and fucking useless celebrities that have tinnitus don't even mention the severity of what it can do to someone.
    I for one, am looking forward to new treatments leading to the dismantling of certain organizations using donor money to promote "coping" as a viable treatment. Dinosaurs will die.
    I am too, Diesel. Watching these organizations do pretty much nothing sickens me.
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