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  • Hi. Did you take any fluoroquinols tablets/eye drops/ear drops a year before when you got tinnitus and burning sensations etc.?
    Hi there. Did you get T from a benzo withdrawl or...?
    I believe from Benzo withdrawal, what about you?
    Wow. Oh man. I had an extreme withdrawl from Accutane, so either the Accutane itself caused it or the withdrawl from it. Not sure, but this is not cool. How long have you had it?
    I've had it for 3 years, but it has gotten better. The thing is that I had to taper very slowly (2 year taper) to avoid more complications. Accutane is a completely "different animal". My understanding is that once you stop taking Accutane the tinnitus should subside or at least improve significantly. For what I understand, everything indicates that Accutante does not cause irreversible damage.
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