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  • Hey Tom! I've been having Tinnitus from Gunshot acoustic trauma now 7 days in. I saw some of your posts and I had a few questions.

    1. Did you sleep with white noise? I am trying mask/blend as much as possible at around 65 DB and I think that is safe.
    2. Did you wear ear buds in cars or out and out or about or just extra noisy events?
    3. When did you start to see improvement?
    It's brutal even at 7 days in. Thanks I really do hope too that this gets better here.
    it will! 7 days is nothing in tinnitus time. like the blink of an eye. When i was still able to try to mask, crickets seemed to help me. I would also look up a video of a WoodWick crackling candle and play that
    @yeezysqueezy also I'm really sorry for the setback. Also with my T it's in my left ear, but my right ear is the one with the loss. I'm not understanding that but wonder if it bodes well for recovery.
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