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  • How is your T doing?
    Pretty bad haha, well I'd consider brain surgery for it tbh, I'll go book an appointment at BRAI3N before I loose my mind and Im looking forward to DBS in the meantime it could get problematic it's reactive and 70db aswell as hyperacusis and VSS so I dunno how to stay calm, but there are only 2 ways stay calm and make it through or go mad lol I'd rather the 1st
    Hi, how do you manage with Tinnitus in a country like Japan? Last time I visited (prior to tinnitus) I remember how loud the cities were, Jr lines, even the smaller cities! I'm craving for another trip but not sure if I can cope at the moment. Do you have any idea if the shinkansens are too loud for someone with tinnitus?
    Late reply sry, I have no strategy mainly, ngl I'm just a angry person who vents often
    TNF-α and IL-1β influence NMDA and GABAA receptors, leading to an increased excitatory and decreased inhibitory neurotransmission. These changes can lead to neuroplasticity and thus chronic tinnitus. Whether inflammatory mediators still play a role in chronic tinnitus remains to be elucidated.
    ''Accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of subjective tinnitus. Noise exposure and salicylate administration both lead to inflammation throughout the whole auditory pathway. In particular, TNF-α, IL-1β, glia and activated platelets are associated with acute tinnitus.
    TNF-α and IL-1β influence NMDA and GABAA receptors, leading to an increased excitatory and decreased inhibitory neurotransmission. These changes can lead to neuroplasticity and thus chronic tinnitus. Whether inflammatory mediators still play a role in chronic tinnitus remains to be elucidated.
    ''Accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of subjective tinnitus. Noise exposure and salicylate administration both lead to inflammation throughout the whole auditory pathway. In particular, TNF-α, IL-1β, glia and activated platelets are associated with acute tinnitus.
    Hi, Tasty! Can I please ask you how did you get t and how does it sound? Is ears, brain, parts of the brain? thank you!
    I dunno, I have Visual Snow Syndrome since I was like 3 or 5 years old I dont know any triggers, I have ETD aswell as TMJ/Neck issues in addition to it. My tinnitus sounds very high pitched in both ears and it fluctuates daily aswell as it is somatic
    No hearing loss
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