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  • Need to go to the dentist to treat a cavity Thank god I found one that uses laser. I heard it's still loud. Any tips??
    Hi there Samy, just wondering how the DNRS is coming along for you? I'm on a similar journey!
    Hi! Sorry the delay, I try not to come in this group a lot, because… You know. I did DNRS for about 1 year and yes, it helped me a LOT. I don't do the rounds anymore (only if I feel that I really need), but I adopted the way of thinking for my life. I still have T and H, but the H has gotten so much better!! Last year it was catastrophic. I hope it continues improving.
    I wish to us a great recovery :)
    Augmentin (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid) for 5 days or Amoxicillin for 15 days for UTI? I hate this russian roulette with antibiotics
    Still alive! Doing DNRS and improved about 30%, but now I'm having a setback :/ Trying to avoid the forum for now. Good luck to all of us
    Thinking about you, Samy. Hoping that the nervous system and limbic system are calming down and having positive effect on T,R, and H <3
    Hi @Samy,

    I'm new here and just wanted to drop by to say hello :) I've been dealing with hyperacusis (loudness & pain), as well as reactive tinnitus, for about six months now, so I can empathize with a lot of what you're experiencing! I read that you're currently completing the DNRS program... how has that been going?
    Just checking in on you, @Samy! How are you doing?
    I am so happy you are seeing small improvements with H. This is an absolute roller coaster and the longest marathon, so I give you so much credit for doing what you can. Reactivity is just an ass hole, I hate it and I truly hope Dr. Shore's device can have some type of effect on it.
    I too can become busy and distracted at times, but I am mentally and physically so tired, and my favorite thing was to lay on the couch and watch shows. That was my rest and restore place. But I can't do that. So now I sit at my kitchen island and let the hum of the fridge mix in with my T and calm me down, but this isnt ideal :(
    @ErikaS I am the same. After a long day I love to chill out on the couch and just rest. I feel like I can't rest without wanting to shoot my foot. =(
    When I put my head down to tie my shoes I feel a crazy pressure in my right eardrum and T increases in volume. Is it normal for T sufferers?
    @ErikaS I have T in both ears, but definitely the right one has louder T. But the left one has horrible hyperacusis. It doesn't make sense. I dont know about hearing loss… in the «standard» test my hearing is normal. I tried doing the «extended» test at home and I could hear better than my husband haha. But I know I need to do it with a professional someday.
    Sounds like blood pressure related, when I bend over it feels like my head gets heavier and I get a pulse in it too. @Samy
    When your head is lower than your heart, the blood flow will increase, making everything in your head feel more intense (try standing on your head). We feel it in our ears more as the blood vessels are very fine and delicate in middle and inner ear so are more sensitive to (blood) pressure changes.
    My mother-in-law and father-in-law have bad hearing and no T. I just don't understand. It means the T sound comes from the brain?
    My Dad has moderate to severe hearing loss. He only has fleeting tinnitus and it's very rare. I wonder how I won the jackpot???
    Yes it does.
    I do believe there is a difference in many situations between sudden HL or sudden extreme noise trauma compared to gradual loss over time and it's affect on the brain and making T come about and even the severity of the T. That sudden loss or damage is obviously harder on the brain to adapt, therefore emitting sounds in response to try to correct it.
    Tomorrow will start a work on the street plumbing that will last 15 days. Right in front of my house. I'm really scared of the power tools
    @Samy I'd recommed double protection; plugs and muffs. Perhaps move to rear room in house too while work is being carried out.

    And watch what time they start in the morning. Don't get caught sleeping-in with no protection in your ears and their jackhammers start up.
    @ZFire My God! In your place, I would be looking for another place to live haha. My H is so bad right now that even with protection and closed windows I think I can't handle the jackhammer. I'm going to stay isolated in my mother-in-law tomorrow.
    Took half of alprazolam 0,25mg + melatonin 1,9mg before going to sleep last night and when I woke up my T went from 5 to a 3 for some hours.
    I'm homebound at the moment and my husband is suffering with me. This situation is so difficult for us and people who love us :/
    Hi @Samy , just wanted to send you love and support as I know we both are dealing with multi-tone reactive T, and I know you're dealing with an H setback. Here if you ever need to vent ! We can improve and overcome this :)
    Hey @Samy how are you doing, how is curable going?
    Hi @Erika! I'm trying to stay away from the forums a bit, because I'm a mess at this moment. Sleeping is very difficult and I wake up with panic attacks. I stopped Curable and started DNRS (because I think it's a more structurated program), doing mindfulness and vagal nerve exercises, and some other things. I hope you are doing well!!
    @Samy ugh I am SO sorry to hear, this condition is so awful. Last week I was in the same boat as you, waking up shaking with panic and little sleep. I got Magnesium Calm to do before bed along with melatonin and Benedryl and that seems to help. I am learning that sleep is so vital with this, I hope you can get some asap !
    Second hyperacusis setback in 2 months. It's crazy how we are abandoned by the medical community.
    I saw there is a big list of famous people with T, but none of them like to talk about it… It's horrible, we need visibility, to be taken seriously. Before this happened to me, I thought if we abused our ears, we would only lose hearing. But I found out (in the bad way) if we abuse them, we'll be torturated by them with T and H like hell. AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS SH*T
    i honestly think theres some conspiracy going on, because it makes ZERO sense in why tinnitus isnt even mentioned. like it wouldnt even be that hard to get people in a frenzy over this, all a top celebrity has to do is make a movie or make an IG video over tinnitus and make it would go viral. shame on ATA, and the rest of these frauds
    @Samy I'd like to think maybe if a treatment is found no one will make a big deal and we just take it and go on bout our lives. no big party no celebration just oh heres your cure...Goodbye..we take it and try to make best of this cruel life. i would tho honor the deceased tho and try to make their stories into a film. this is literally hell on earth
    im so anxious lets hope shores results are positive, as ive had this since 2014 and its not been easy ,at all.
    I hope you dont have to suffer for as long as i have, you even got Hypercusis and reactive T, WTF
    thats so not right.
    Oh and dont forget im only an accident away from what you guys have or worse. KNOCK ON FREAKING WOOD. i have anxiety and fear like a mofo. others like to say its normal I say no ill say its more tolerable for sure but my life is done. spikes new tones randomly uughh its torture. If susan shore comes through for us my life will be back
    Hi @sakrt ! Sorry the delay, I didn't receive a notification about your message. My motor skills are still the same as before (amen). Drawing and painting even in silence make me forget about T. They are great distractions.
    @KoolKat This is really unfair, a nightmare. Are you living isolated for about a decade? You never habituated to your T? :/
    A big metal chair fell over right beside my ear 7 days ago and now my tinnitus is BLARING. Hyperacusis going crazy. My own voice sounds LOUD
    did it go down or away
    @KoolKat the spike is finally subsiding little by little
    @Samy sorry I am just seeing this. Yes it seemed like I had more sound sensitivity but I suspect this was due to my fixation on monitoring my ears. It did get better. Hope you're doing better now.
    10 months in. H is hell on Earth, and it comes with reactive T (or distortions? I don't know).
    What type of distortions to you get? I've got beeps in my left ear when watching the TV, running water, wind etc so annoying. It flares up and then goes.
    Mine is a static white noise overlay to certain frequencies.
    @Strawberryblonde Mine reacts mostly to running water and car sounds. Even with protection in the car I hear some strange beeps. And after the shower I always have a spike for about 3-5 minutes. My «distortion» is like a morse code. I think the ET's are trying to send me a message
    Hi Samy,
    I'm also two months in with tinnitus. In some ways, I feel a slight improvement and in other ways it's really starting to wear on me. The hardest part is just not being able to daydream and relax. What are you struggling with and/or finding some success with? Wishing you all the best.

    Hi! Sorry the delay. Lately, I've been really struggling with the hyperacusis... For me it's worse than tinnitus. Even car sounds make my tinnitus react. I hope you are doing ok!
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