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  • strangely, we never hear the noise of swallowing when we do not focus on it. So this should be possible for Tinnitus as well, no?
    Similar to how our nose is always directly in our line of sight yet our brain learns to not focus on it.
    Try asking @Travis Henry about that. I'm sure he'd say the sound of his own swallowing is an agony inducing hell-cacophony.
    you've had this since the early 2010s too? Man who would of thought that 00-2010 was our last decade of peace. cant believe its been that long, anyway bro just know we love you and to just hold on just a tad bit at the very least wait for susan shores device as its set to be released sometime very soon. Easier said than done TRUST ME I KNOW but We came this far so lets fight this.
    @Armin my fault in replying so dam late, but this just goes to show tinnitus is so unpredictable. I really fcking hate this shit bro. our lives have been ruined over something that should of been treated. we got these bozos out here promoting TRT like its a cure.
    @Armin see people with mild tinnitus are doing more harm then good when they go out here telling everybody that tinnitus isnt that bad or it doesnt bother them etc etc. like its 2023 it should be public knowledge that tinnitus can go from 0-100 real quick and that not everyones T is the same. its annoying we all got to get on the same page
    @Armin I have faith that susan shore can work for you, so anyway hows your tinnitus nowadays.
    I never wanted to give up life. But all the noises are so loud. Never masked, no sleep. VAD or living in pure hell. Theses are 2 bad options
    No, because it is no long-time solution. How much Doxylamine do you take and it helps sleeping? For me, even if I sleep, the piercing noise is waking me up. And then, I cannot fall asleep again. So I sleep 1 hour per night.
    How much sleep do you get by this, and I assume your T is also very loud and piercing?
    I take as little as I can, usually a quarter to half a tablet. My sleep is broken, so I sleep, wake up and repeat. The Doxylamine does help. I hope you decide on something
    because 1 hour is so awful.

    My T is loud but it is more the tinny, piercing nature of it that affects me. I also have tunes on top of that.
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