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  • Hyperacusis is gonna kill me. All sounds sound like bombs. It's impossible to live. God help me
    Cześć. Jak się czujesz?
    @adpolandam jak warzywo :( próbuję czymś zająć głowę w ciągu dnia, ale na dłuższą metę nie da się tak żyć
    Doskonale cie rozumiem. U mnie 19 miesiąc leci. Jeśli chcesz to możemy pogadać na priv, będzie łatwiej. Pozdrawiam
    What a stupid miserable wasted existence
    Isn't that the truth, and I feel bad for you and anyone else that has to deal with this crap in their 20's.
    Yeah. Waking up and thinking "So, this is it?" Every day is just unbearable and numbing.
    In your 20's … wow.
    Why is my tinnitus getting better and quieter while hyperacusis is worsening. How does that make any sense
    I've been taking clomipramine for 4 days for my H. It worsened my tinnitus a lot. It's high pitched now, I've got a new metallic sound. Fuck
    I need a house in a middle of nowhere
    Wyoming is looking good rn. But a year ago I wanted to live in Manhattan... crazy how things change in matter of several months
    I want a little house on a prairie
    I am so fucking dumb
    @Karolina I can turn it into a contest and win...
    I took meds I didnt even need and now my life is over.
    Beat me. I did some stupid work without protection I did not need to be doing at all.
    I hate this world
    The world finds annoying ways to kill us. Drops a nuke on us. Sends diseases our way. Accidents. Gives us tinnitus so we do the job ourselves..
    I would argue the last being the most cruel.
    fuck who am i kidding. there will be no happy ending. nothing awaits me except terrible suffering
    I'm losing hope by the day
    Do you have hypercausis? If not or it's mild, please keep it that way. once it's catastrophic, life is basically over
    Yes I do, everything seems way too loud thankfully I haven't noticed any pain yet. I have distortions too where audio voices and noises sound off and I have ttts too like wtf
    I want a happy ending. I want to live. All I want is stable tinnitus and hyperacusis that allows me to function
    Have you found ways to distract yourself during the day?
    Like, i'm trying my best, i'm trying to save my life, but everything seems to be orchestrated to kill me (4)
    L along the way
    That's sad to read :( i symphatize. I find it so harsh how the situation has become. I don't know what to say, trying to go day to day, hope for a better day
    there is a thunderstorm today and tomorrow, and I have catastrophic loudness hyperacusis that worsens every day (3)
    the window was supposed to be replaced a month ago, but it came too small and I have to wait another month for the window to be replaced (2)
    I'm at rock bottom. soundproofing did nothing, I can hear my neighbors exactly the same as before (1)
    When I had only t, i could at least shower, make myself dinner, go on walks, clean the room. With h, you cannot do f#cking anything.
    I can't do any of that anymore and I only have T. The T is as loud as a vacuum cleaner though, and moving around only makes it worse. I no longer have baths, walk my dogs, or pretty much do anything.
    There will be thunderstorm whole day on Sunday fuck!!!! I need a basement or a bunker oh my fucking god
    I'm sorry.. how about foam earplugs?
    I will wear peltors and foam earplugs of course, but I'm afraid it won't help much, my loudness h is terrible. My window is still not soundproofed :((
    Update, the thunderstorm did not reach my area again thank god
    2 new tones are gone, but loudness hyperacusis is now beyond catastrophic. I don't want to die
    Great to hear that 2 tones are gone! Loudness H can get better. Please don't give up!
    That's great What kind of tones were they like pure tones or just a new sound?
    Idk i got them at the beginning of may, one tone was quite unbearable, like a weird beeping horror melody
    I still have 13-14 tones lol
    I don't know how to stop the constant worsening. I don't want to die
    Do you have any sound distortions
    I have a lot of bad symptoms too, I have T, pretty bad sound sensitivity , distortions and TTTS I think, you're not alone. :( I'm only a month and a half in
    Yes i have sound distortions too
    There will be a huge thunderstorm today. 1 day before my room was supposed to be soundproofed. I don't feel anything anymore
    the thunderstorm did not reach my area, luckily
    I am truly sorry. You are not alone. I relate to everything you say. My reactivity to sounds could not be worse.
    I can't believe you are 23. You should have a good chance for this to get better for you. Your age is on your side for healing.
    I've got 2 new tones today for no reason at all, loudness hyperacusis suddenly worsened, I don't know what to do anymore
    can't believe how great life was before all this. it was fucking heaven
    I remember hearing about the CEO of Texas Roadhouse killing himself because of tinnitus and thinking, "What a nightmare!" Six months later, I began to understand.
    @Pinhead, I did the same. A Bit longer though
    Truer words have never been spoken. We knew it was heaven before this happened. Now some way that feeling is magnified. How I feel this !! I now see all hardships as blessing minus reactive T with H and N!
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