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Jan 8, 2024
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Member, Female

Have joined because I’d like to monitor developments with Auricle, think it will be a gamechanger - and doesnt seem to be far off Jan 10, 2024

Daphne91 was last seen:
Jun 20, 2024
    1. SharonBell
      @Daphne91 Im so scared of getting Covid again and it getting worse, Or even getting sick.
      1. Daphne91
        I was scared too but covid didnt affect it when I got it x
        Feb 2, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
      2. SharonBell
        @Daphne91 my husbands brother and law has hissing in both ears and he got sick and his got worse. Not sure what he had but he had a fever with it.
        Feb 2, 2024
    2. SharonBell
      @Daphne91 I wish mine wasn’t 24/7. It did get a little lower last week not sure why and I was dealing with it better and my anxiety was better. That was the first time for that and now it’s back loud as normal.
      1. Daphne91
        Yes it’s not linear. There will be good and bad days until the good outnumber the bad :)
        Feb 2, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
    3. SharonBell
      @Daphne91 So you must sleep good at night and do you have problems with food, caffeine, alcohol or sweets affecting your T?
      1. Daphne91
        Not really but I dont drink :) sleep well thankfully since the start even
        Feb 2, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
    4. SharonBell
      @Daphne91 I was going to ask you how bad your Tinnitus is.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Daphne91
        Being lucky enough to live somewhere sunny def does too..but yeah when it’s bad it’s super loud in one ear, can hear it in the car etc. when it’s not it’s maskabke by even super quiet music. I think as many have said here, if I can get the flairups to be fewer, I’d be very content!
        Feb 1, 2024
        ErikaS and SharonBell like this.
      3. Daphne91
        But it did take me 2 years 2016-2018 to get to a place where I no longer felt tinnitus is the end of my life! Now ive done enough things with it (started a company, got married, had a child) that I dont feel it has the power to hold me back. That’s why it’s so important to just keep DOING!
        Feb 1, 2024
        ErikaS, SharonBell and Mark F. like this.
      4. Daphne91
        It does make some of life’s difficult moments feel harder though (always the cherry on top) and I have had to work massively on my perception of it esp since it flaired up in 2022 from pregnancy.
        Feb 1, 2024
        ErikaS and SharonBell like this.
    5. SharonBell
      @Daphne91 I had covid in 2021 and 2022 and had T both times it was just ringing at night, it went away both times. Then I got a really bad virus in 2023. Tinnitus came back like 10 times worse buzzing-static electricity 24/7. Went to ENT and Tunnitus clinic and hearing loss in right ear was 10,000 and up-severe profound extended high frequency and left ear was mild.
      1. cyberspace
        Did you get any long covid?
        Feb 1, 2024
        SharonBell likes this.
      2. SharonBell
        Feb 2, 2024
    6. Daphne91
      Have joined because I’d like to monitor developments with Auricle, think it will be a gamechanger - and doesnt seem to be far off
    7. Daphne91
      Never even considered that there may one day be a treatment (which in part maybe helped me habituate faster).
      1. 4Grace, SharonBell and gameover like this.
    8. Daphne91
      T flaired up end of 2022 when I was nearing end of my pregnancy (thanks hormones like progesterone!) and messed me up dispite immsense joy!
      1. 4Grace, SharonBell and gameover like this.
    9. Daphne91
      Hello! I’ve had T since 2016 (as many didnt know it even existed), habituated after the 1-2 most difficult years of my life.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Ear infection/glue ear