Recent content by _FiA_

  1. _FiA_

    Will It Go Away? Mild Tinnitus Since 10 Years of Age, Now Louder After an "Explosion"

    Thank you guys. I stopped taking the medicin last night, I might be imagining this but I think the tone is lower today? I can still hear it loud but not as loud. My ears still feel like they have lids on though...the medication you are talking about..i wonder what it is called here in Sweden..
  2. _FiA_

    Will It Go Away? Mild Tinnitus Since 10 Years of Age, Now Louder After an "Explosion"

    Hi! My name is Fia and I live in Sweden, so I apologise for my bad English. Last weekend on Saturday, I went out with a couple of friends to a night club. But right when we were about to go in, my friend said she needed a cigarette. So we stood outside the club for 10 minutes, we were almost...