Recent content by Abbadem

  1. Abbadem

    Tinnitus in Dreams

    While not completely "in my dreams" a few times now since I got T I've woken up from a fleeting/spontaneous tinnitus episode. Quite a rude awakening (luckily they quickly faded) Usually I had my head/neck in an awkward position though - or I drank to much the night before and may of been...
  2. Abbadem

    Also been getting a lot more exercise and making sure to take more breaks from listening to...

    Also been getting a lot more exercise and making sure to take more breaks from listening to music (Whether from headphones or speakers)
  3. Abbadem

    Its a bit lessened now that I've been using little or no music to help me sleep. If I do use it...

    Its a bit lessened now that I've been using little or no music to help me sleep. If I do use it then I have it set to not repeat (After a few songs to fall asleep to) Only reason for its increase I can think of is after not sleeping well for a few weeks and being bad about getting more...
  4. Abbadem

    Does Anyone Have a Morse Code That Sounds Like This? (I Simulated It in This Video Example)

    Got my tinnitus around mid February this year - and for a few months after I had ever-changing reactive tinnitus like you guys described. Whats funny is most of the time is resembled a vacuum cleaner - but just barely in ear-shot, and mostly in my left ear. As if someone was stalking me with a...
  5. Abbadem

    I'm going to try sleeping with little or no white noise to see if it helps, hope yours is doing...

    I'm going to try sleeping with little or no white noise to see if it helps, hope yours is doing better!
  6. Abbadem

    Hello there! It sounds like both of us are dealing with ever-changing reactive tinnitus. Mine...

    Hello there! It sounds like both of us are dealing with ever-changing reactive tinnitus. Mine started mid-February and got its reactive tones about a few weeks in. After about 3-4 months though the reactive part almost disappeared (Similar to your original one) but then a month later I got...
  7. Abbadem

    Tinnitus Slightly Reduced, Short Tinnitus Spikes Eliminated

    I need to get back into routine neck/shoulder exercises and stretches. My tinnitus spikes/fleeting tinnitus decreased to only once every two weeks if that when I was doing them for a few months. These past two months however I slowed down as I was bogged down at my desk job and sure enough...
  8. Abbadem

    It still comes back stronger (Not as strong as it was for the first few months though) if I'm...

    It still comes back stronger (Not as strong as it was for the first few months though) if I'm very tired or stressed so its important to try and keep those situations down
  9. Abbadem

    Its settled a bit - the sounds from it aren't as obnoxious as they were originally - and It is...

    Its settled a bit - the sounds from it aren't as obnoxious as they were originally - and It is lower in volume most of the time now. For example I can't hear it at all unless there is quite a bit of extra white noise such as running water from a shower or river.
  10. Abbadem

    Three Months Later

    Thank you for your post! I absolutely agree on what has helped you - I'm 4 months in and I've been reconnecting with friends and even scheduling trips/movie nights/etc. I even have time set up in the future to visit distant ones - something I always meant to get around to but never did...
  11. Abbadem

    Does Anyone Else's Tinnitus Sound Like This? (I Made a Video to Show Example)

    I have this as well - about 4 months into T. I feel as though its slightly less intense than it used to be, but still there. Its much more noticeable if I'm stressed or tired. The tone has also changed from a distant vacuum cleaner noise to a slightly less pitched computer-fan kind of noise...
  12. Abbadem

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    Before the onset of T I got fleeting tinnitus almost every day. At the time I saw an ENT because I wanted to make sure there was nothing going on - and of course after my hearing tests came back fine he just said "Oh everyone gets it - I do too" and sent me on my way. Even after my T I...
  13. Abbadem

    Please Help New to Tinnitus

    You are still in the early stages and hopefully after treating ETD it will either go away entirely or be reduced to a level where you only hear it in near-silence situations. As for things that can help you sleep - these help me: 1) Masking sounds/music - I like this one 2) A relaxing tea such...
  14. Abbadem

    Is This Tensor Tympani?

    I've had little spasms as well (mostly the left ear) that I can almost describe as the eardrum fluttering. I don't think I've noticed any new sound with it but then again my T is almost entirely reactive.
  15. Abbadem

    What Is Going On? Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome?

    The fullness and slight earache went away after a week or two from onset. Still have the mostly reactive T however and while on some days its much less noticeable it doesn't appear to be going away at least for me. Luckily it seems less bothersome with many different sounds - I recently went to...