Recent content by ady

  1. ady

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Read the first post of the thread?
  2. ady

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion
  3. ady

    Tinnitus from HIV Medications?

    Why? HIV has good treatments. Tinnitus doesn't.
  4. ady

    I Just Want to Lie on My Side

    Hah you crack me up.
  5. ady

    Have a Referral to See a Specialist

    Specialists have very limited means to help us. Most are ignorant about tinnitus.
  6. ady

    Is This a Spike? A New, High-Pitched Sound Has Started This Morning

    Spikes can be new tones or louder tinnitus. Did it go away yet?
  7. ady

    I Have Had Tinnitus for About 4 Weeks. Advice Appreciated.

    Try using a fan at high speed. If that doesn't work, try buying an indoor water fountain. Try taking melatonin.
  8. ady

    Music That Doubles as White Noise

    Mozart is good. @Danny Boy posted about it how it's been researched to help tinnitus.
  9. ady

    Skin Care Suggestions?

    Where have you read that skin care products can affect tinnitus? How do they pass through skin to blood stream?
  10. ady

    Cold/Flu and the Impact on Tinnitus

    I think cold/flu spikes tinnitus for everyone...
  11. ady

    Will Acetic Acid Otic Solution USP 2% Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I couldn't find anything about it making tinnitus worse.
  12. ady

    Tinnitus from HIV Medications?

    I can't find any data confirming the ototoxicity or lack of thereof of these medications. You are in uncharted territory. Godspeed.
  13. ady

    Clicking Noise in Left Ear When Masker Turned On

    sounds like reactive tinnitus.
  14. ady

    Data Collecting from This Site

    Indeed - it's the same as you would say one type of pain sensation is the same as any else pain sensation. We know that's not true. There is mild pain, moderate pain, severe pain. Just like there is mild tinnitus, moderate tinnitus, severe tinnitus.
  15. ady

    Bioflavonoid Complex with Hesperidin and Rutin; I Can't Tell What, But it Does Something

    There is none. It's not been shown to help tinnitus.