I Have Had Tinnitus for About 4 Weeks. Advice Appreciated.

Fung Chow

Jan 19, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Hiya, I have had T about 4 weeks ago which is caused by noise induced. I heard hissing sound in my left ear which is causing me a lot of distress and insomina. I tried to listen white noise from my ipad which does not seemed to work. I tried to concentrate white noise music distract tinnitus sound from me. I started heard hissing sound intermittent come and go, but in the last 2 weeks sound become constant especially at night time sound become louder and I tried to ignore it listen to the radio with earphone. Everytime I listen to music with earphone at very low volume and I have been advised by someone use decent earplug when I'm out keep within 65 db at least 3 months and it is a good chance of T sound fading away.

Can I ask what sounds do you hear and how long you have had T? Please advise me what to do to help me at night.
Thank you. I looking forward to hear from you.

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