Recent content by aiste

  1. aiste

    Super High Loud New Pitch After the Night. Please Help — I'm So Scared :(

    Thank you so much for all the messages! I already feel better just reading this and seeing that someone understand how I feel. I am a musician ( or was) because I stopped playing for a while. I assume my tinnitus was work damage ( by playing in the symphony orchestra) Anyway One year past by...
  2. aiste

    Super High Loud New Pitch After the Night. Please Help — I'm So Scared :(

    Super high loud new pitch after the night. Please help! I’m so scared :( I've had tinnitus for more than a year but recently it changes almost every day by getting worse :(
  3. aiste

    New Mum, Old Tinnitus Got Worse :(

    Hi everyone. I'm a 35years old new baked mum of 2 months old baby. I had tinnitus (in one ear) for about one year. I had a rough start like everyone else in here. Was depressed and it took me awhile to get back to normal life. But eventually I did and my tinnitus was almost gone.... until last...
  4. aiste

    Labas Gintai, pastebėjau tave šiame forume. Aš dar naujokė čia. Bet teko pradėti ieškoti...

    Labas Gintai, pastebėjau tave šiame forume. Aš dar naujokė čia. Bet teko pradėti ieškoti pagalbos, jau daugiau nei mėnesis turiu tinnitus. Aš irgi muzikantė ir kiek skaičiau tavo istoriją mano yra labai panaši. Nuo ko prasidėjo sunku pasakyt, buvo ir peršalimas ir garsus koncas. Norėjau paklaust...