Recent content by Akk

  1. A

    Hearing Aids

    I have used several Oticon hearing aid models, including the OPN 3, More 1, and currently, I’m testing the Intent 1. These are all (mini)RITE-type aids, where the device sits behind the ear, and the speaker goes into the ear canal. There is, of course, a wire connecting the device to the...
  2. A

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    To clarify, outer and inner hairs cells are paraller in ”tube”. First cells, near ear drum, react to high frequencies and more deeper you go more lower frequencies cells react there.
  3. A

    Hearing Aids

    For left ear: 125 Hz/-10 dB, 250/-15, 500/-15, 1k/-35, 1.5k/-40, 2k/-40, 3k/-45, 4k/-65, 6k/-65, and 8k/-90 I now have an 85 dB speaker, it`s hardly enough for 8 kHz and above loss. I think that I can hear roughly up to 6 kHz now, so with extra bandwith up to 9-10 kHz, it has no benefit to me...
  4. A

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I have understood that outer hair cells act like muscles, so they can move (make stiffer or looser) membrane(s), for example when we want to better hear weak sounds. It also works the other way around, so if there is a sound that is too loud, they act then too. As in the video clip mentioned...
  5. A

    Hearing Aids

    I have used Oticon Opn 3, and now testing Oticon More 1. Opn 3 goes up to 6 kHz, while More 1 goes up to 9 kHz. More 1 has also better (and faster) signal processing. The difference is quite huge, with More 1 my tinnitus almost vanishes, and overall hearing is better. If you want to try...
  6. A

    Hearing Aids

    Thank you, good to know.
  7. A

    Hearing Aids

    Can you get them via public health care, or are you paying them yourself ? I have had Oticon Nera2 Pro Ti almost three years now in my left ear, and I expect that I could replace it soon with more capable aid. This model goes up ~7000 Hz and model going to 10000 Hz would be great.
  8. A

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    ^ I wear hearing aid in my left ear, too. Without it, tinnitus is definetly louder.
  9. A

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    ^ I used to sleep with ear plugs, lastly I had even custom build ear plugs. But then I got this left ear tinnitus (hiss) and hyperacusis. HA went away but T remained. I belive that ear plugs have something to do with, perhaps ears add amplification (sensitivy) when they are blocked some way...
  10. A

    Tinnitus 911 Scam

    Seems that this is marketed now under name ”Sonus Complete”. Incredients look even the same. Look for this, if you can listen sad jargon how this stuff was invented (its MENSA’s secret formula :) ) Oddly when searching information (reviews) about this product, every...
  11. A

    Pitch and Loudness from Tinnitus in Individuals with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

    That so true. I have hearing loss above 4 kHz in my left ear, and T. When I use my HA, T pitch is clearly higher. HA goes up to 7 kHz.
  12. A

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Thanks, this is bit complicated. So, if you want +3 dB from you amplifier, you must double ( ratio is 2) its power output. If SPL (amplitude) increases 6 dB then it is double than before. If volume (subjective hearing) increases 10 dB then it is double than before.
  13. A

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I must correct myself. You were right. I was mistakenly referring power output (=amplifier) in dB, but change in sound pressure level 6 dB equals near double volume. Ratio can be calculated from 10 ^ (x/20) , where x is difference in dB’s. So if difference is 7 dB, ratio is 2,24 .
  14. A

    Hearing Aids

    Yes it can be very individual. For me it took couple of months to adapt. Suffering HFL about one year before HA.
  15. A

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    3 dB change equals double (or half) in sound pressure level. In practice, 3 dB change is consired rather small, just noticable. When volume changes 10 dB (10 times in SPL), it is consired as ”double” than previous volume level. After all 10 dB reducing is remarkable.