Recent content by Andrew_89

  1. Andrew_89

    My Success Story

    But mate if you can take charge of it right now I see you havnt had it long . I mean accept right now go out side stop thinking about it do stuff and live your life . I promise you man you could cut it down to 6
  2. Andrew_89

    My Success Story

    My time line was this 1-3 months - crying /anxiety attacks / looking for answers 3-6 months- still having a few mental a but looking for answers still 6-8 months decided I would give habbituation ago 8-10 months implemented a strategy to overcome tinnitus 10-12 - self searching 12- less...
  3. Andrew_89

    My Success Story

    Mate when drums are near by I use acs 25 Db interchangeable Moulded plugs if it's an acoustic show I usually have the stage pretty quite point horse away from me stay out of the noise and line of fire
  4. Andrew_89

    My Success Story

    Hey all i just wanted everyone to know how much better it gets. I'm going to tell you the full story the good the bad and the great . When I first got it I was in the same boat as a lot of you are scared senses going crazy body in fright that feeling that doesn't go away the constant urge to...
  5. Andrew_89

    Earplug Question: What Kind Would You Suggest?

    Dude get Moulded muso ear plugs . Cost more and comfy and the sound is great . Don't over protect your ears . Just live s normal life :) I use my plugs when I play near a drummer or with bigger PA systems
  6. Andrew_89

    I Need Help with These Thoughts! Does It Get Worse as We Get Older?

    Hey mate chill out your doing just fine . Seriously your doing awesome I would say your nailing life . All you gotta do is just breathe and not let it get to you . everyones T is different everyone's t journey is different . When you start being in the now and not in the what if it's guna get...
  7. Andrew_89

    It Gets Better!

    Actually this might sound weird but somtimes I just listen to it and it puts me to sleep
  8. Andrew_89

    It Gets Better!

    Hey antionette The first few months are the hardest the only thing I can say is get out doors go do stuff that is going to tire you out :) And don't sit on the forum all day You gotta get your life back and the only way todo it is get off the computer and go do Something you enjoy . Also a...
  9. Andrew_89

    It Gets Better!

    Hello guys, My name is Andrew Thomson. I am a professional musician from Australia. And I'm here to tell you a few things and lessons I learnt and how to stop your little sound from taking over your life like I did it mine for about a year. Ok so let's start shall we: 1 — YOU ARE NOT ALONE...
  10. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    Thanks guys :)
  11. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    Thanks mate that's the one I'm looking for
  12. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    I just wanna play gigs don't care how loud
  13. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    Hmmm it is definitely an interesting thing as I know 2 very good friends of mine that both have tinnitus one due to ototoxic medication from when he was a kid and noise damage.from playing drums and industrial damage and the other just industrial Damage and they still play .
  14. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    The issue is with that about the whole habituation thing if you continue to keep you from Doing shit it always will . Look at Paul tobey that guy has chronic tinnitus and he still plays concerts
  15. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    I have thousands of dollars worth of gear and it sitting there makes me sad sure I still play acoustically sometimes but gahhhhh I think you should just get some muso ear plugs and play grace . Or the fact that yours is going away hold off on the electric jams abit longer . Unfortunately I hear...