Recent content by Angelg

  1. Angelg

    16 Year Old with Tinnitus

    In your case, I would say there is hope. I'm not a doctor or anything similar, but the fact your tinnitus was mainly produced by a physical trauma makes me think it may have some kind of fixing.
  2. Angelg

    Hi to You All. My Story.

    Thank you all for taking the time to read my post and answer to cheer me up (Liam). It felt good to hear it's not my fault (Lorac, Devon) Billie, I do not have hearing loss, at least yet, but that freaks me out even more, as the only thing that I would still hear in that case would be the...
  3. Angelg

    Hi to You All. My Story.

    Hi everyone, Yu can call me Angelg and I have been suffering from severe tinnitus for six years. I’m currently 33 years old. For all this time I have avoided reading about this condition, as looking for medical stuff in internet usually makes me more anxious and makes me panic a bit...