Recent content by anna_xx

  1. anna_xx

    Greetings from Holland

    Hey Mike Greetings back from Holland :). Hoe is t nu?? Hoop wat verbetering....
  2. anna_xx

    Ear Problems After MRI

    Not succesfull so far:(, it’s teally difficult to find a silent mri, because nobody knows anything at the hospitals.... eventuelly I found one in Amsterdam, but that one seemed to not be suitable for my kind of scan. (Didn’t know that was an option). So.... still searching
  3. anna_xx

    Again a New Sound... (My Heartbeat, Kind of Whoosh Whoosh)

    I noticed it about a week ago. My ‘good ear’ was making a noise too. It’s my heartbeart, kind of whoosh whoosh sound. I already had 3 different sounds.... It started about the same time I unexpectedly had to deal with something pretty stressful. And there’s no change in that yet. Could that...
  4. anna_xx

    Closing Non-Tinnitus Ear Makes Tinnitus Practically Gone

    Thanx for changing the title.... English is not my first language so sometimes it’s a bit difficult to write what I mean.... But no one recognises this??
  5. anna_xx

    Closing Non-Tinnitus Ear Makes Tinnitus Practically Gone

    Funny you mention this, I was just wondering about that myself.... I even asked my husband to put his ear against mine to see if he could hear something (you should have seennthe look on his face). He couldn’t hear a thing.... good idea to listen with a scope.... didn’t think of that. I’ll ask...
  6. anna_xx

    If Your Tinnitus Was Cured, What Would Be the First Thing You Do Afterwards?

    I would just sit in silence.... for hours. I love silence.... I always was happy I could hear the silence and never took it for grantwd because of my dad. He has got severe tinnitus for about 35 years now, I saw what it does to a person, so this has always been my worst nighmare. :(
  7. anna_xx

    Closing Non-Tinnitus Ear Makes Tinnitus Practically Gone

    I was wondering if anyone regognises this.... My tinnitus is mostly/loudest in my left ear, but when I close my other ear, the sound is practically gone. When I close my tinnitus ear, the sound is still there. I never understood this, my doctors don’t understand it either, so I was...
  8. anna_xx

    Ear Problems After MRI

    I phoned the manufacturer and they told me there is one in amsterdam, but only until october because they rent it. So I called Amsterdam. It’s fully booked for the time it’s still there, and they told me that my exam is not possible on this machine..... :-(. Everyone tells me not to worry and...
  9. anna_xx

    Ear Problems After MRI

    I am trying! But it’s very difficult. I’ve been calling hospitals for weeks now. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to find out which hospital has which mri scanner. I ended up rescheduling my appointment for this monday because they couldn’t tell me how much noise it is... and which...
  10. anna_xx

    Ear Problems After MRI

    I really wouldn’t have thought about that myself! Thanx voor the tip. I mailed them right away, bit I also found a phonenumber I will try tomorrow morning......
  11. anna_xx

    Ear Problems After MRI

    Do you know where I can find out which hospital has this mri-machine, preferebly in Holland? I’ve tried calling hospitals, but they are not very cooperative. I have an appointment for this monday at my own hospital for an mri, and called today to ask if it’s possible to do the mri in another...
  12. anna_xx

    Owning a Dog When You Have Tinnitus?

    I have 4 rabbits..... they don’t bark or make other noises haha.... and they love to cuddle
  13. anna_xx

    Look Who's One Tomorrow

    Ohhh he’s so cute!!!! Have a nice party and congratulations!!
  14. anna_xx

    Protect Ears from Regular Sounds?

    Coffee_girl (I love your name!:)) do you think your T got milder because you use the earplugs?
  15. anna_xx

    Protect Ears from Regular Sounds?

    Well, that was exactly my aproach the last couple of months.... my kids are a little older, 9 and 12.... but still can be very loud haha, especially when they have friends over. I didn’t want to be the mom who constantly had to say they needed to be quiet, so I got myself together and put up...