Recent content by Annika

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    Unfortunately, I can’t recommend an expert because I was not happy with the treatment. Please...

    Unfortunately, I can’t recommend an expert because I was not happy with the treatment. Please try Hyperacusis Network. They have links to worldwide clinicians. Tinnitus UK might know some therapists or books. All the best, Annika.
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi @Heal82, Please find below my answers to your questions. Approximately 3-4 weeks. I found electronic background noises from TV/DVD intolerable. About one month later, my hyperacusis really took off. Although I did not use hearing protection at home, my hyperacusis was a problem all day...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    No, I was not totally homebound when my hyperacusis was at its worst. I was able to visit a local park & woodland area, but only with great difficulty. I had to wear earmuffs (rated at 38 decibels). Generally, I only had to wear them when I was outside. However, during the first weeks of my...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi @Heal82, you recently posted a message on my profile page with some questions. My hyperacusis also started after a microsuction earwax removal in 2021. Although I still have hyperacusis, it is no longer debilitating and I can lead a normal life again. My hyperacusis has improved a lot...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi Spliffurt, I started the thread back in 2021 after I developed debilitating hyperacusis after a microsuction procedure. I also had tinnitus which was caused by medication but the hyperacusis was clearly my main problem. I believe that microsuction can be risky and that there are not...
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    CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for Hyperacusis

    Hello danielthor, thanks a lot for your support and sharing your knowledge. I have not figured it out yet but suspect I belong to the multiple setbacks group. Many thanks, Annika
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    CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for Hyperacusis

    Hello MindOverMatter, thanks a lot for your support. I have been experiencing an unexpected setback with my hyperacusis. Your comments have been particularly helpful to me. Thanks a lot, Annika
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    CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for Hyperacusis

    I have developed severe hyperacusis and moderate tinnitus since January this year. I have nearly completed a course of hyperacusis therapy based on CBT (this mainly involves changing my thoughts). After the first few sessions my therapist advised me not to use ear-protectors anymore and to...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi sm20, Thanks for letting us know about your experience with noise generators. You said that it improved your condition within 2 weeks. That is remarkable! Could you please let me know which 'white noise generator' you have been using? I will buy one immediately. Thank you Annika
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi Ronnie Thailand, Thanks for sharing your experience about your tinnitus/hyperacusis. I am sorry to hear of your severe pain, that is clearly very tough to deal with. I hope, that you have been able to get a check-up from an ENT doctor and also offered medication. It appears that there are a...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    Hi Michael, Thanks so much for your advice. I find your articles very helpful indeed and also very informative. Could you please tell me if I should wait at least 6-12 month before starting any long-term treatment with ‘white noise generators’? Should I already use ‘sound machines’ at night...
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    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    I have acquired a severe form of hyperacusis which started gradually in January 2021. Unfortunately my hearing sensitivity has gone a lot worse since March. It seems to have been brought microsuction earwax removal and medication. Unfortunately travelling on the London Underground and the noise...