Recent content by Art Vandelay

  1. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    Thanks. It sounds like yours is very similar to what I had - I wish you all the best for your recovery
  2. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    Hi, yup my ears are 100% I'd say. Thanks!
  3. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    Hi, it hasn't come back at night time when I'm in bed.
  4. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    No worries, that is exactly why I posted this! Hopefully it might just be that yours is taking longer to heal. I hope it all works out sooner or later :)
  5. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    I was quite worried yes! I didn't think it would be life-changing but it certainly felt like a hindrance and something that I couldn't get off of my mind. I appreciate though that for some people it is life-changing and that is really upsetting! And yeah I was quite lucky that it happened to me...
  6. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    Yep I told my doctor that what i had done was stupid and he said "No it was inexperience. If you go and do it again, then you start to look stupid"! So yes now I am very cautious when it comes to loud music. I never have my headphones above about half volume. I really empathise with people who...
  7. Art Vandelay

    Tinnitus 95% Gone — Caused by Loud Music

    I promised that if my tinnitus ever went away that I would post on here to give hope to others. How did I get T? In early September 2016 me and my mates spent a whole day drinking and listening to music. As the day wore on the stereo and the bass cranked up very loud and I noticed my left ear...