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  • Tinnitus in my right ear reduced to only slightly hearing it with my ear plugged. Too bad it wasn't my left ear that has 4 different tones.
    Decided to go to the store for the first time in 4 months without wearing ear plugs and just keep them in my pocket.
    The local high school band was playing right next to the entrance for a fundraiser. Fml. Figures. All I could do was laugh.
    That's a good start. Keep challenging yourself to not where ear plugs unless absolutely necessary.
    Insomnia is a bitch. I'm going to need the doctor to give me something a hell of a lot stronger than melatonin. It does nothing.
    Samantha R
    Are you still taking the Nortriptyline Ash? This is supposed to help with sleep....
    I found Remeron (another AD) taken at a very low dose worked wonders for me and I could get my life back on track when I could finally sleep.
    I'm off it now, and managing to sleep just using Valerian, but I agree, Melatonin doesn't do a whole lot for me either!
    @Samantha R I am still taking it, but the doctor didn't call in my refills for some reason so I'm without that and Prozac from yesterday until Monday. The Nortriptyline didn't help with sleep either though. I've never been able to sleep more than 4 or 5 hours max but since getting tinnitus it's down to basically nothing.
    Samantha R
    Sorry to hear that Ash. Is it the noise of your tinnitus or the anxiety that is keeping you awake?
    Had fleeting t multiple times daily for the first 2 1/2 months. Started again a month ago when I began taking Prozac and Nortriptyline.
    Why do I feel like the meds are killing off more of my asshole hair cells...
    Bill Bauer
    Fleeting T might be our body's attempt to recalibrate and to get rid of T.
    Just being awake all day feels like I ran a marathon. Am I 33 or 90? Dealing with this is so damn exhausting.
    Really wish I hadn't put off going to visit my sister in San Diego. Now I'm scared to go because of t & don't know if I could enjoy it.
    I really hope something comes from Frequency's trials, but at the same time I don't even know if I can hold on long enough to find out.
    if you kill yourself now you are going to Let Pawel Jastreboff and the TRT con men win. Perseverance is key.
    This doorbell sound is killing me. Nothing like the sound of someone ringing the doorbell in your head 24/7. I honestly might go crazy.
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