Recent content by Asia88

  1. Asia88

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    I personally don’t see any difference except for increased ringing and sensitivity to sounds. Which as I said subside after withdrawal. So :dunno:
  2. Asia88

    Foam Bubbles Sound?

    Hello everyone! Does anyone here have a strange sound, like foam bubbles bursting inside your ears? It started at night 2 weeks ago and doesn’t look like going away. It was triggered by a middle ear spasm (thumping) and then turned into constant and very light crackling, like bath foam... I...
  3. Asia88

    Psychiatrist Prescribed Antipsychotics for Tinnitus — What to Do?

    Please do if you can, I’m interested!
  4. Asia88

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    And believe me it was BAD. Sometimes I wanted just to shut everything down and put myself into a soundproof cabin. I hated watching TV, especially when a background music was coming, because that was the most whistling part. But I kept watching and telling myself that this will pass, I will get...
  5. Asia88

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    Yes, it was absolutely the same for me - a noise was so real and felt like it was coming from a real source. Even flushing a toilet was a torture (sorry!). And I also prayed for having just my ordinary T back. I know easier said than done, but don’t worry and treat it as... as my husband said...
  6. Asia88

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    I know, it’s super frustrating. But just try not to focus. I must say that I just woke up one day, forgot to check on a sound to see if it’s still there, and later realized that it’s not. Do you take anything like Flonase? I have to say that I used it for 3 months as prescribed, and things got...
  7. Asia88

    Dysacusis — Will It Subside?

    Yes! But it took around 3 months. I had a VERY noisy flight yesterday, after which it seems that the sensitivity has returned a bit, but I don’t focus on this anymore.
  8. Asia88

    Not Sure If It's Hyperacusis I'm Experiencing

    The first audiologist whom I reached told me that there is a condition often associated with basically just hearing yourself, your body working. No one knows why brain plays this on us, so yes, you can be hyper aware and start hearing internal sounds. Because human body IS loud :)
  9. Asia88

    Having a Cold — Hyperacusis Is Almost Gone

    It may be an indication of autophony due to an open tube, not closed (in case you have issues with Eustachian tubes)
  10. Asia88

    Post-Stapedectomy and Balloon Dilation for ETD

    Balloon dilation! I’ve been offered this lately for autophony and ETD! Thanks for sharing, so much food for thought
  11. Asia88

    Having a Cold — Hyperacusis Is Almost Gone

    Same for me. I have difficulties not to actually pop my tubes, but to close it - they tend to open during any physical activity. So whenever having cold I feel T and sensitivity diminishes greatly.
  12. Asia88

    "Hearing Distortion" "Recruitment" "Reactive Tinnitus"

    @SilverSpiral thanks for explanation. It’s just so sad, I can’t... I’m habituated to T, but this extra layering of sounds out of nowhere... how can someone habituate to this? The moment you’re done with one sound and tone, here you go - threat yourself with another challenge :arghh:
  13. Asia88

    Any Good Tasting Drinks I Can Drink without Fear of Spiking My Tinnitus?

    I know it’s different for everyone here, but I can drink anything, nothing causes a spike for me in terms of drinks
  14. Asia88

    Ten Questions I Have About Tinnitus

    1. Mine is better when I’m having cold! 7. I was shocked such thing exists
  15. Asia88

    Tinnitus and Septoplasty

    What noise do you thing a classic surgery performed on septum can produce? I’ve done mine and actually even if you opt for a laser, surgeon still will make couple of hits and only then they clean the rest with laser. So it will be noisy anyway.. if that’s the sound you’re scared of.