Recent content by ASilverLight

  1. ASilverLight

    Yup, me. Learned to accept this is the way it is, unfortunately. At least it always settles down...

    Yup, me. Learned to accept this is the way it is, unfortunately. At least it always settles down very quickly.
  2. ASilverLight

    Sometimes it still feels like stuff is moving in .y ear and it's freaky

    Sometimes it still feels like stuff is moving in .y ear and it's freaky
  3. ASilverLight

    Tired of reactive/fluctuating tinnitus, wet ears and my ears popping and vibrating when I yawn...

    Tired of reactive/fluctuating tinnitus, wet ears and my ears popping and vibrating when I yawn or burp
  4. ASilverLight

    Predicted the Euro win correctly (before it even started lol)

    Predicted the Euro win correctly (before it even started lol)
  5. ASilverLight

    Update: only side effect is a very sore arm. No change in T at all.

    Update: only side effect is a very sore arm. No change in T at all.
  6. ASilverLight

    Had my first Moderna shot. Not going to worry about it - whatever happens, happens.

    Had my first Moderna shot. Not going to worry about it - whatever happens, happens.
  7. ASilverLight

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Yeah, I know, should've said one of few or the most common but I was in a bit of a hurry :angelic: but my point stands that it doesn't tell us everything and many of us have perfect audiograms etc, despite having severe tinnitus.
  8. ASilverLight

    Wish doctors would take me seriously and treat my spine, neck and jaw properly

    Wish doctors would take me seriously and treat my spine, neck and jaw properly
  9. ASilverLight

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    My audiograms are perfect. Straight up perfect. I have at most a -5 dB dip. My speech in noise test came back at 100%. Yet I have several loud intrusive reactive tones. Obviously anything that may improve my tinnitus isn't going to improve my audiogram because it's literally impossible to...
  10. ASilverLight

    T gets worse from showers but not a restaurant and hours around friends. Makes me think it isn't...

    T gets worse from showers but not a restaurant and hours around friends. Makes me think it isn't noise reactive.
  11. ASilverLight

    I'm most definitely trying to. Mine is still reactive/fluctuates big time throughout the day...

    I'm most definitely trying to. Mine is still reactive/fluctuates big time throughout the day, but it always settles quickly so. As long as I avoid the real loud and listen to my ears I'm trying my best
  12. ASilverLight

    Encountered so many cars blasting music today. How do these people not have tinnitus and I do...

    Encountered so many cars blasting music today. How do these people not have tinnitus and I do? Unfair lol
  13. ASilverLight


    I'm not sure I'm necessarily suicidal these days. I have a lot of things to keep my mind occupied and it helps, but I'm about to lose my job and due to other illnesses/conditions and no formal, completed college education there's really not much for me to do. Were it just one thing I was...
  14. ASilverLight

    Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

    Here's me sometime in 1998 (I think). I believe this was taken on holiday in Germany :LOL:
  15. ASilverLight

    Picked up inline skating. Probably not gonna do anything for my T but getting exercise is nice.

    Picked up inline skating. Probably not gonna do anything for my T but getting exercise is nice.