Recent content by atcaw94

  1. atcaw94

    Tinnitus and Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

    No, thought I had tried everything. Never had a doctor mention it. After looking it up, has some pretty bad possible side effects. Cialis is pretty much the first med I've ever really had any side effects from. Really sucks, cause it did wonders for my BPH. The real bummer is after stopping it...
  2. atcaw94

    Tinnitus and Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

    Volume doesn't matter? That's a ludicrous statement. Of course volume matters. I used to be able to drown out my tinnitus with a fan when I went to bed. Not anymore, and that's with a large fan RIGHT next to my bed. It went from manageable to maddening.
  3. atcaw94

    Tinnitus and Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

    I took cialis 5mg daily for BPH. Cialis was the only drug that worked after trying everything else. However, after less than a month of use, my tinnitus volume got way worse. Quit taking the cialis. Unfortunately, tinnitus volume did not decrease back to prior volume. Really sucks, it was...