Recent content by Atomic

  1. Atomic

    Strange Thing — Listening to Triangle Helps

    Also another variation is to use some earphones.. make the sound super low!!! and try to listen to each ping.. then afterwards! its like no T for me....
  2. Atomic

    Strange Thing — Listening to Triangle Helps

    Hey everyone, I was sent this link by a friend totally unrelated to Tinnitus its a world class triangle player. After listening my T went for 2 hours and now is alot lower. Not sure if co-incidence or what, i have been topping up every so often.. not sure if it was confusing my brain or...
  3. Atomic

    Tinnitus as a Super Power

    I came up with an idea for a super hero called T-man a few weeks back while on the chat room .. he is cursed with T the only way to get rid of it is to project it on to someone else temporarily.. good for bad guys!!
  4. Atomic

    7 Days Low Sugar & Caffeine / Zinc / Magnesium

    Hey Everyone, Bit of an experiment blog Quick overview , had the biggest T spike ever after going to a loud venue , the noise is above music and voices (scary!!) :( . I had habituated a while back when i first got it but the frequency changed after going to the venue and also was much louder...
  5. Atomic

    Test This — Tinnitus Sound Therapy — Shower Head

    yeh this was very temporary .. almost feels like i have no T for 10 mins! but it does creep back up! i need to stop trying to listen to it arghh such a crazy circle lol
  6. Atomic

    Test This — Tinnitus Sound Therapy — Shower Head

    Ok listend to this for 10 mins and trust me i have over 8 years tried alot of supps and therapies. This reduced my loud tone to a low static noise that was bearable almost like being in silence effect lasted for about 15 mins..
  7. Atomic

    Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity

    I have had T for over 8 years. I have a theory that when you are exposed to ear trauma(in my case anyway) you get temporary Hyperacusic which makes the T appear louder too. It has always subsided for me (maybe er healing) and T has gone to a background noise. I have it again after losing my...
  8. Atomic

    This Is Me!

    Hey Everyone, So i have browsed these forums over the years. My tinnitus started around 8 years ago after a Melvins concert in a university. The guitarist left his feedback on and i was next to a loud speaker. As usual you would get the ringing but this time it never stopped. It took a while to...