Recent content by Audiofail

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    Always Check The Volume Before Pressing Play — Music Blasting on Headphones Gave Me Tinnitus

    Quick update, this is month 2, still ringing endlessly but it seems to have quieted down a bit, save for the time that a car alarm went off next to me and then the inside of my ears hurt for two days, but I was good again after. Psychologically doing pretty good, although there’s definitely...
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    Always Check The Volume Before Pressing Play — Music Blasting on Headphones Gave Me Tinnitus

    Cool. Clearly a lot of grudges among the forum regulars here, so I'll leave everyone to the ongoing forum war. Thanks @Michael Leigh for the advice on audiophile gear; I'll let things cool off with my ears and let things heal for a few months but definitely glad to hear that in the future I can...
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    Always Check The Volume Before Pressing Play — Music Blasting on Headphones Gave Me Tinnitus

    For sure, I'm actually not too concerned about ototoxicity, I'm more concerned about the potential neurological problems and the increased risk of aortic rupture for people with heart problems and connective tissue disease (source 1, source 2). As well as a few more sources here from PubMed...
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    Always Check The Volume Before Pressing Play — Music Blasting on Headphones Gave Me Tinnitus

    Hey, I know that wasn't aimed at me, but I'm not here to pick a side or start fights, I'd rather head out the virtual door. @AnthonyMcDonald, thank you for your advice and your support, I do appreciate it! I agree that many medical professionals don't quite know what to do with tinnitus -- I...
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    Always Check The Volume Before Pressing Play — Music Blasting on Headphones Gave Me Tinnitus

    Hello everyone, been reading for a bit and just wanted to introduce myself and add my story here. One month ago I did the stupidest thing I've ever done. Since working from home, I decided to get myself a top of the line audiophile-worthy setup to listen to music while I work. Expensive studio...