Recent content by aul884

  1. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Hello Tinnitus Talk - long time no see! What a crazy ride reading back through all my old posts - it really was a rough time for me back then. This week I have answers. While my tinnitus has never really gone away, this year I found myself (while always still hearing it) thinking about it less...
  2. aul884

    Does Anybody Experience Alternating and Ambivalent Tinnitus Tones That Come and Go?

    I am 3 1/2 months into this now - on probably half a dozen occasions now my ears have 'dropped out' to complete deafness during which I have a much louder, more high pitched tinnitus tone - this usually goes away within seconds - 20-30 or so. You would think this is scary but it actually gives...
  3. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Hi @Michael Leigh, Thank you for your reply – believe it or not I have read through all of your started posts, I have seen you have lent your experience to many on here – I really did mean it when I originally said I have read this forum completely at least 3 times haha. I take on your advice...
  4. aul884

    Theories Behind Fluctuating Tinnitus

    Hi @Forever hopeful, I'm sorry you are having a rough time - I am also in the middle of what I am hoping is a spike... although it is dragging on now - the fact that I was doing so much better with this only just recently makes it all that much worse! I totally get the whole not being able to...
  5. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Update – 15 weeks/2 days. I am still in the middle of this ‘spike’ or increase unfortunately... As said previous, the fortnight between the 11th and 26th of October I was doing so much better with this – even though it was only such a short time ago, I would love to go back and see whether the...
  6. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Hi @KBombRN. Thanks for asking – I have been much better generally of late, I guess that's what makes yesterday (and today it looks like) all the more depressing. Even though this now feels like an eternity for me, in the greater scheme of things I am still fairly new to this (just over 3...
  7. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Another rough day with this – healing really isn’t linear is it?! I have had a good go since the 8th of this month or so – tinnitus seemed to bother me much less, I am unsure on days like this whether the tinnitus is actually worse or it is just bothering me more for whatever reason. The only...
  8. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    3 month update So here it is, the date that Dr Google says that this condition becomes chronic – though obviously not the case reading the stories both good and bad here. I can say that yes, I do still suffer from tinnitus – however it is nowhere near the levels of the first 2 months. The...
  9. aul884

    Tinnitus and Mild Hyperacusis After 3-4 Seconds Loud Noise Exposure (Accidental Audio Feedback)

    Hi @Brandon Wong, looks like we are enjoying the same journey at the moment - I am currently 11 weeks. My trauma was a half hour concert, I like you, have tried quite a number of things - at the start I think you almost have to. I have had some 'better days' in the 11 weeks - though it is...
  10. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Good morning fellow members – I’m feeling the need to vent about this most ridiculous situation so here goes, 11 weeks 1 day for me today. I haven’t as yet had a return to the 3/10 levels I was lucky enough to experience last weekend – this week has been a solid 5-6/10, with today unfortunately...
  11. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    The ongoing chronicles of tinnitus - 10 weeks, 2 days. So as per my previous post – I more or less spat the dummy with this whole thing, I wouldn’t say completely surrendering but definitely not fighting like I was. I again had some ‘better’ days recently – 3/10 compared to what I have been...
  12. aul884

    Tinnitus After Music Festival

    Federico says he is an amateur musician - but if you look up his band 'Didols' they are semi-pro and looks like they have some pretty big concerts - He doesn't mention in the video, but in the comments he says he only started to forget about his tinnitus from time to time after about 5 months...
  13. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    @Sointu, thanks for your reply - Yes, we are very similar here, I have responded on your thread :)
  14. aul884

    Tinnitus After Music Festival

    Hi @Sointu. Thanks for replying to my posts earlier – yes it does look like we are going through a very similar thing. Exactly 2 months for me today, it’s been a pretty full on journey so far and I can sympathize with everything you have said. I’m feeling pretty frustrated and lost at the...
  15. aul884

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    Well this is it Tinnitus Talk - today is the day I give up with this, I am just so done. 1 day short of 2 months for me - yes, I know this is nothing compared to some of the other members here - but it still feels like an eternity. Today I woke up with onset loudness tinnitus, 8/10 - yay...