Recent content by AvidReader

  1. AvidReader

    That is not good, I don't know why medical personnel don't seem to be aware of the tinnitus...

    That is not good, I don't know why medical personnel don't seem to be aware of the tinnitus risks of some drugs. Standard antidepressants made mine spike, so did the antibiotics I had to take. Good news is, the spikes weren't permanent. Hope it is the same for you.
  2. AvidReader

    Wait, so they're just expecting you to come off them without more tapering?!

    Wait, so they're just expecting you to come off them without more tapering?!
  3. AvidReader

    @vilebubbles Time is a big part of it, many people find their severe tinnitus settles down...

    @vilebubbles Time is a big part of it, many people find their severe tinnitus settles down eventually. Distraction (trite I know), I read a lot as it's the only thing that helps. There's also promising research ongoing. As I said before you are fairly new into this phase, it is so hard I know...
  4. AvidReader

    I think my low improvement is that I listened to Audiology & tried the gradual sound exposure...

    I think my low improvement is that I listened to Audiology & tried the gradual sound exposure route & it made it worse. Some people improve with sound, I'm not one of them. I also live on a main route for emergency vehicles & every time I take my ear defenders off I get blasted with the sirens...
  5. AvidReader

    Seriously thought I was going to check out in the first year it was that bad, but hang in there...

    Seriously thought I was going to check out in the first year it was that bad, but hang in there. It's still reactive, it's intrusive, it's a big restriction on my life as I'm still pretty much housebound, & I have problems sleeping but I'm not in as dark a place at present. So it can improve in...
  6. AvidReader

    Mine went from mild T & no H to catastrophic reactive T & H literally overnight & ENT told me...

    Mine went from mild T & no H to catastrophic reactive T & H literally overnight & ENT told me after the scan showed nothing that they are not sure what caused the worsening. The musical hallucinations took about 10 days to kick in but they've been 24/7 ever since. Today I have hissing, a very...
  7. AvidReader

    @vilebubbles Weirdly enough yesterday was the first time I've been on the site for a while. No...

    @vilebubbles Weirdly enough yesterday was the first time I've been on the site for a while. No I hadn't really improved but the Covid seems to have left me with a louder baseline tinnitus plus some other stuff unrelated to my ears. Have they pinpointed any reason for your tinnitus increase...
  8. AvidReader

    Hi @vilebubbles Thanks for the comment. I'm surviving. 1 step forward 2 back at the moment. It...

    Hi @vilebubbles Thanks for the comment. I'm surviving. 1 step forward 2 back at the moment. It didn't help that I caught Covid for the first (& hopefully only) time in Dec 2023 which seems to have exacerbated my long-term issues. How are you doing presently?
  9. AvidReader

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection with Pre-Existing Tinnitus

    I hope so @MindOverMatter as my tinnitus was already at severe levels. The thought of basically having to relive the last two years of pain hyperacusis to every little noise just makes me want to pull the covers over my head & give up.
  10. AvidReader

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection with Pre-Existing Tinnitus

    After 3+ years of managing to avoid it, finally tested positive for COVID-19 23rd December after feeling unwell from the day before. Let down by a momentary lapse of vigilance by a family member. It has been fairly mild as yet: chills, cough, not really congested apart from right hand side of...
  11. AvidReader

    Experiencing Palinacousis, Reactive Tinnitus, TTTS, and ETD — Any Link Between All of This?

    Thanks, that is reassuring. I'm wondering if mine is linked into everything else I have & won't fade until that does. It's not the worst issue I have with my ears but it's not fun either.
  12. AvidReader

    Experiencing Palinacousis, Reactive Tinnitus, TTTS, and ETD — Any Link Between All of This?

    Hey @ZFire, thanks for replying. Those types of noises are definitely a trigger for the echoing for me too. First time it happened (February 2022) I was in the early stages of finding out what was happening with my ears & was at a local urgent care facility. They took my temperature via the...
  13. AvidReader

    Experiencing Palinacousis, Reactive Tinnitus, TTTS, and ETD — Any Link Between All of This?

    Hey @DeanD, how is it going with the palinacousis? I've had this for a while alongside my reactive tinnitus & hyperacusis, but didn't know it had any particular name. Do you still have it? If not, how long before it went away? I'm having major 'echoing' with things like alarms, car engines, etc.
  14. AvidReader

    @ECP Thank you, I appreciate it.

    @ECP Thank you, I appreciate it.
  15. AvidReader

    @ECP Due to a rare gastric issue, my GP advised me against taking NAC due to possible gastric...

    @ECP Due to a rare gastric issue, my GP advised me against taking NAC due to possible gastric side effects. Condition unfortunately impinges a lot on the meds I can/can't take, even supplements.