Recent content by BeautifulBlue

  1. BeautifulBlue

    Improvements After One Year!

    @Core2Duo hello, yes I do go to the movies at times, not very often. I am actually going tonight to see Deadpool 2 :) Being in the theatre gives me all sorts of problems that have to do with anxiety, so I try to force myself to go. I am often scared of the loud volume, but I have noticed that it...
  2. BeautifulBlue

    Improvements After One Year!

    Hi Bill, I really didn't go out of my way to find stuff. I used whatever brand of camomile I found (sometimes bags from the shops, sometimes I bought organic flowers online) and the cinnamon is just from the supermarket, as I wouldn't know how to source it differently.
  3. BeautifulBlue

    Improvements After One Year!

    Hi all, This is not a complete success story (tinnitus is still there) but I really want to share how much better I am after the onset a year ago. As for all of us, the first weeks were the worst. The denial, the trying everything, including not-so-reliable methods found online, the medical...
  4. BeautifulBlue

    Can Anyone Offer a Basic Technique to Cope When You Notice Your Tinnitus?

    I go for distraction with a bit of music. Netflix helps, too :-) The trick is to keep yourself busy and when you notice it try not to focus on it too much. With time, you'll almost forget about it. I notice it more when I'm stressed, so I'm trying to do things that control my stress level too...
  5. BeautifulBlue

    Anyone Have Good or Bad Experiences from Having Just UPPER Wisdom Teeth Removed, No Drilling?

    Just walked out of the dentist, so far so good. Waiting for the anesthesia to wear off and the big pain to come Tinnitus wolise, so far absolutely no difference and hopefully it will stay that way.
  6. BeautifulBlue

    Anyone Have Good or Bad Experiences from Having Just UPPER Wisdom Teeth Removed, No Drilling?

    Yeah, I'm experiencing very bad pain at the moment @Luman :-) generally if I know what's coming, I can cope better. It's only pain, and it's only for a few days. Then, hopefully, I'll be able to eat normally again, which is what I miss the most!! Thanks for the encouraging message, I'm booked...
  7. BeautifulBlue

    Anyone Have Good or Bad Experiences from Having Just UPPER Wisdom Teeth Removed, No Drilling?

    Hi everyone, I have been reading about wisdom teeth and T but I'm still puzzled. My upper left wisdom tooth is coming out soon, and dentist say I have no choice as the nerve is dying. I am scared it is going to make it worse, but secretly hope it is going to miraculously fix it. Any positive...
  8. BeautifulBlue

    Afraid of Flying — My Tinnitus Is Probably TMJ Related

    Thanks @GregCA , I really hope you're right :-)
  9. BeautifulBlue

    Afraid of Flying — My Tinnitus Is Probably TMJ Related

    Hi, I have to fly in a few weeks and I am very worried. It is almost certain (but not 100%) that my tinnitus has nothing to do with my hearing but it is due to Neck/Jaw problems, including bruxism. Is this enough for me not to worry about it getting worse as a consequence of a long flight? I...
  10. BeautifulBlue

    Just Introducing Myself

    Wow, I had no idea. My T doesn't come from acoustic trauma though, so I'm not sure it would help. When you say your T got louder, did it stay that way or did it calm down again afterwards?
  11. BeautifulBlue

    Just Introducing Myself

    @Bill Bauer is that a thing for T? Sounds a little scary... have you tried it? How does it work?
  12. BeautifulBlue

    Just Introducing Myself

    Yeah, I suspected that after reading here and there. If it helps me relax though, it's still something!
  13. BeautifulBlue

    Just Introducing Myself

    Hi everyone, I have had T since Easter and I am still in denial, hoping it will disappear... in the meantime I have seen the dentist to get a mouthguard (seems to help a bit), going to phisyo to fix my neck and jaw, and will have an MRI to make sure there are no nasties in my inner ear and I am...