Recent content by Beep Boop Bop

  1. Beep Boop Bop

    Hi, unfortunately I'm almost 2 years in with tinnitus and the volume hasn't improved at all...

    Hi, unfortunately I'm almost 2 years in with tinnitus and the volume hasn't improved at all. Despite being extremely careful, it has worsened slightly in my right ear. I'm a bit better mentally than I was at onset, but overall still completely devastated by the whole situation and how much it...
  2. Beep Boop Bop

    Tinnitus for Almost Three Months Now After an Acoustic Trauma (Headphones on a Film Set)

    @Michael Leigh, thank you for the article. I do have sound sensitivity and phonophobia. I have also always had manageable anxiety and OCD, but it completely spiraled out of control when I got tinnitus. I am in a constant state of stress due to both the ringing and the fear of it worsening. I'm...
  3. Beep Boop Bop

    Tinnitus for Almost Three Months Now After an Acoustic Trauma (Headphones on a Film Set)

    How does one tell when it is appropriate to wear earplugs or not? I don't go to loud places anymore, but I find that even when I am in quieter environments, there always seems to be sudden and unexpected loud noises that will pop up. It seems impossible to avoid.
  4. Beep Boop Bop

    Tinnitus for Almost Three Months Now After an Acoustic Trauma (Headphones on a Film Set)

    I got my tinnitus in the same manner (loud, unexpected blast through headphones) and it's been absolutely devastating. I really sympathize with you and can relate to everything you said. It seems so incredibly unfair that all it takes is one second to ruin your life. I'm a year in, and...
  5. Beep Boop Bop

    Anyone Overcome Phonophobia?

    Hey, I just stumbled upon your post and wanted to say that our cases are very similar. I got my tinnitus in the exact same way, and am the same age as you. I also have a crippling case of phonophobia that has been greatly affecting my quality of life. Like you, I have been avoiding things that...
  6. Beep Boop Bop

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    This has been on my mind a lot too lately. My tinnitus was caused by headphones, and I'd never feel comfortable wearing them again, as they not only bring up painful memories, but could potentially worsen my condition. I've been wondering why there hasn't been more talk about this, especially...
  7. Beep Boop Bop

    How Bad of an Idea Is It to Just Stop Caring and Pretend I Don’t Have Tinnitus Anymore?

    I think about this every single day and have yet to come up with an answer. What's worse: Living a shitty life where I'm basically a hermit and have no joy or social interaction, or living a normal life with the risk of tinnitus potentially getting worse? I'm not even asking to do loud things...
  8. Beep Boop Bop

    A REAL Tinnitus Success Story as Told to Me by a Relative (Not Clickbait!)

    This condition is seriously brutal, between the noise itself, the regret, and the fear of it worsening. It's physically and mentally exhausting. I hope it gets better for you, and I pray we'll see some effective treatments in the near future.
  9. Beep Boop Bop

    A REAL Tinnitus Success Story as Told to Me by a Relative (Not Clickbait!)

    That's infuriating, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this for the second time. Thank you for sharing though, I'm glad to hear it went away for you after so long. I'm nearly 9 months in to this nightmare and am starting to lose hope. Mine was caused by acoustic trauma from headphones, but I often...
  10. Beep Boop Bop

    Now in a Better Place — Tinnitus and Ear Fullness from Acoustic Trauma (Headphones)

    Thank you for the advice. What kind of things would you do to desensitize yourself to sound? I'm not sure if I can sense if my ears are fatigued, as I haven't been around a lot of noise lately. I have pretty much been homebound for the 6 months I have had tinnitus. Are you pretty much back to...
  11. Beep Boop Bop

    Gangster Rap Concert — No Earplugs — Tinnitus ALL GONE

    Thank you for the reply. I agree, it's extremely uncomfortable wearing earplugs with tinnitus. I recently had to wear them for 3 hours straight and was completely beside myself with anxiety. I prefer to just stay home and away from noise, but I can only hide out for so long. Congrats again on...
  12. Beep Boop Bop

    Now in a Better Place — Tinnitus and Ear Fullness from Acoustic Trauma (Headphones)

    Hi, Thanks for sharing. I got my tinnitus around the same time, and in exactly the same fashion. It was a ~95 dB accidental blast through headphones for one second. Your remark that all it took was a second to ruin everything really resonates. It sounds like you've been though a lot since onset...
  13. Beep Boop Bop

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    This is the most invaluable success story I have found, as it describes my situation perfectly. Especially the part about extending the deadline and changing your mind about how loud it is. Thank you for sharing. I hope my tinnitus follows a similar path.
  14. Beep Boop Bop

    A REAL Tinnitus Success Story as Told to Me by a Relative (Not Clickbait!)

    I’m glad to know it improves so gradually. I feel like mine is healing, but at a snail’s pace, to the point where I’m starting to second guess myself if anything is really changing. It seems to subtly fluctuate as well so it’s hard to tell for sure. Did you do anything to help out the healing...
  15. Beep Boop Bop

    A REAL Tinnitus Success Story as Told to Me by a Relative (Not Clickbait!)

    That's great to hear, thank you for sharing! Did your first tinnitus slowly fade over the two years, or did it suddenly just drop off?