Recent content by bekker

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    Anyone Else with Hyperacusis Still Drink Alcohol?

    When Im drunk my ears are less sensitive. Voices and other sounds hurts less. But the days after i feel my ears more then before. I think the H Will be less if you take a rest the couple of weeks. And put in Some earplugs with loud sounds.
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    A Day of Silence / Trouble at Work

    @Karel ja zonde het is aardig prijzig. Moet nog contact opnemen met intoears of ik zelf draagbare generatoren ergens anders kan kopen voor rond de 200 a 300 euro anders kan ik er helaas ook niet aan beginnen. De kosten van de draagbare ruisgeneratoren die zij aanbieden zijn 1500 euro per stuk...
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    Peripheral or Central Hyperacusis?

    Im curieus TRT would help nerve hyperacusis? I am at a point to do TRT But i have my doubt if it works. Though i think i should do it because nothing else works
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    Peripheral or Central Hyperacusis? It is a dutch website(a sort of foundation for people with hearing problems). You can put it in Google translate to read it.
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    Peripheral or Central Hyperacusis?

    I have hyperacusis in both ears. The hyperacusis in my right ear is only much more sensitive. I feel it much more. The strange thing is that when my doctor checked my hearing with a metal device it hurt in my left ear and not in my right. Now is my question do I have central or peripheral...
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    A Day of Silence / Trouble at Work

    @Karel ik doe het maar even zo omdat het mij niet lukt jou een persoonlijk bericht te sturen. Ben je inmiddels begonnen aan je TRT en hoe is het met je hyperacusis? Ik zelf heb heel erg last van h. T ben ik aan gewend. Wil gaan starten met de TRT bij into ears
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    I Have Decided to Quit Music

    Try the offficial TRT retraining. Im from the netherlands and i talked to a dj here who had severe h. He did the TRT for two years and now he is back producing and Goes out to clubs once a month. I also have t and h. The h is now on a point that i dont go out anymore. Everytime it gets worse...
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    Give Up the Music? Need Answers :(

    Hey welham c i recognize your story. I now have tinnitus and hyperacusis for about 1,5 year maybe longer. In this time i attended a a few party's and flew with a plane 4 times. All with my 33 decibel custom earplugs. Because of this and my anxiety the hyperacusis has gotten worse. Its on a...
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    Spasming Left Ear

    Maybe Dry needle therapy? It Will relax the muscles around the ears. At leest you can give it a try
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    First Time Poster

    I totally understand What you saying as a h sufferer. Why did i do this and is this permanent. Everytime i have this when i Where in loud Noise for longer time. I think time is a good healer. But in that time we are full of fear
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    Do I Have a Chance?

    Buy Some good earplugs to protect your ears in loud places like party's. You Will be OK But if you dont't protect your ears it Will become worse that exactly happend to me. I had it first like you. But went to a party without earplugs and after that i got very annoying sounds and hyperacusis...
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    Passive or Active Noise Cancelling/Isolation?

    hey ed i have some questions for you. I do it this way because i can't start a private conversation with you because of the settings. some people say the active noise cancelling do nothing to protect your hearing. But i put on the expensive bose quiet comfort in the store and it seemed amazing...
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    Holidays with Two 8-Hour Flights and Evening with Music Were Maybe too Much?

    Hey I have tinnitus and hyperacusis. I was a little bit scared to do this vacation because of my condition. I have 33 decibel earplugs which I put in during the flights and the nights that I went in the music. During the holiday I had so much fun that the hyperacusis and tinnitus were really...
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    Pink Noise: How Does It Work? (Does It Work?)

    hey karel do you know something more about pink noise by now? I also have T and H for about a year now. My H gets more and more annoying. How long a day do you have to listen to pink noise? for how long?
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    Vision Problems / Floaters?

    I've got the same. I have visual snow, floaters and sometimes i notice my vision falters. Im very sure it had something to do with tinnitus