@Stayinghopeful Hey old friend! Yes! Life is about as normal as it's gonna get. I go out now and continue living like I was before T. I avoid concerts still but have been to weddings and just fine with the DJ. I hope you're doing well!
Hello! I am doing well. My T has been a lot more stable after about 2 years and less intrusive. I'm able to function a lot more normally and my hyperacusis is almost non-existent. How are you?
Hello and how are you? I've been doing a lot better. I went from catastrophic T with Hyperacusis to almost no hyperacusis and mild to moderate T. I have taken medications since with no set backs. As far as vaccines I have stayed away from them and don't plan on getting any.
Hello everyone 👋 I'm back with an update. My T is still there and spikes have become less and less. I am living life more normally despite this noise..it's still annoying most days but I'm pushing through. Reactivity is wayyyyy down but still there....nothing like it was though. Hyperacusis is...
@RunningMan I want to do more research but what they specialize in could (possibly) be a benefit with the recent finding of this malformation I was apparently born with. This malformation can also cause Tinnitus but ultimately it was probably that medication. They're hard to find though. I bet U...