Recent content by Ben In SD

  1. Ben In SD

    Tinnitus, Sensorimotor OCD, and Recovery; One Year Later

    Thanks for the detailed update! I'm glad you're in a much better place and have found your way "past" tinnitus. It's not an easy road, but we are proof that it can be done. I'm super happy for you!
  2. Ben In SD

    New and Need Advice. Ringing in My Ears After a Cold.

    Coming from someone who's tinnitus is permanent, life does go on. I truly hope that yours isn't permanent, but even if it is, you can lead a normal and happy life. In the meantime, try not to focus on the negative and stay away from the "bad experience" stories online. Stress and anxiety will...
  3. Ben In SD

    Please Help! Losing My Mind

    No, it's still very loud...but there are times where I don't even notice it. For me, it has gotten better because I've learned to live with it and not focus on it every second of every day. Once I trained myself to just accept it and let wasn't nearly as bad. I honestly feel like I got...
  4. Ben In SD

    Please Help! Losing My Mind

    @Dginobile So sorry you're having to deal with this. I too have a loud tea kettle/train whistle in my head 24/7...and sleep was my biggest challenge when I first started hearing this nonstop ringing in my brain. However, here's what helped me get back to a normal sleeping schedule. Once I got my...
  5. Ben In SD

    Tinnitus After Naproxen — Any Tips on How to Manage?

    @steenkash Hi and welcome. I'm sorry that you're here, but at least you found a place where people actually understand what you're going through. I'm not in any position to give medical advice, but if the drug caused your tinnitus then I would stop taking it and see if the ringing subsides...
  6. Ben In SD

    Hello, New to Tinnitus

    I was the same way, but this pillow really helped me get back to a normal sleep pattern. The guy who owns the company has Tinnitus too, so he gets it.
  7. Ben In SD

    Hello Tinnitus Forum, I'm New to This Tinnitus Menace

    I use this sound machine. It's pretty cool because you can choose between 20 different fan and white noises. I also use the SoundPillow from time to time. But in the beginning, this was the single thing that helped me sleep at night.
  8. Ben In SD

    Hello Tinnitus Forum, I'm New to This Tinnitus Menace

    I'm sorry that you're here, but I'm glad you found the forum. I too struggled with sleep in the beginning stages, but after few months I can actually sleep through the night with this loud ringing in my head (without any meds). I honestly didn't think I would ever sleep again. But here I am...
  9. Ben In SD

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    @Elinor Thanks for posting this survey. I was freaking out every time I would experience "fleeting tinnitus". But, now I know there's a term for it and that other people are dealing with it as well. Makes me feel a little better. Thanks again for posting this.
  10. Ben In SD


    @Cazbaz I love your attitude towards the obstacles you're facing. A lot of people would stew and be negative, but you're using your situation to help others. Thank you! :)
  11. Ben In SD

    Well I've Been Having a Hard Time

    And they need you too. I have two small children as well, and when I didn't think I could live with this constant ringing in my head...I looked to my kids. In the end, they gave me the strength to fight back and take this thing on. The first few weeks are seriously the worst weeks ever, but...
  12. Ben In SD

    Well I've Been Having a Hard Time

    I agree with Bill. If you give your body some time to heal, then maybe the ringing will subside. In the meantime, stressing about it will only cause more anxiety...and ringing. I know it's hard to not think about since it's a new and intrusive sound, but focussing on the ringing will only make...
  13. Ben In SD

    My Tinnitus Story

    Another quick update. Life is great! My T is still loud as ever, but I'm learning to live with it. It's weird, but there are times when I don't even notice it. Another thing that's strange is that when the ringing first started, I couldn't sleep. Like at all. That was my biggest challenge. I...
  14. Ben In SD

    My Tinnitus Story

    I found this website to be very informative and helpful. Just passing it along.
  15. Ben In SD

    Is Magnesium Making Tinnitus Worse?

    Everyone is different, but I started taking Magnesium and noticed a considerable spike in my tinnitus at night.