Recent content by Benoves

  1. Benoves

    Glue Ear?

    I bought an otoscopic camera. Does this look like glue ear to you? Below you can compare my girlfriend's eardrum with the same camera. You see much more details behind the eardrum. Benoves
  2. Benoves

    Auris Medical — Treatment of Tinnitus Through Modulation of Chloride Co-Transporter NKCC1

    Is this only for acute tinnitus or also for chronic?
  3. Benoves

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    @kelpiemsp had tinnitus for his whole life.
  4. Benoves


    Yeah I understand but didn’t they know that in December? They promised January or early 2019.
  5. Benoves

    Tinnitus Week 2019 — We Will Donate $500 to Tinnitus Talk If Members Can Raise the Same Amount First

    Just donated 125 dollars. Keep up the good work guys! I really appreciate the interviews.
  6. Benoves

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    @undecided how is it going?
  7. Benoves


    If it really works marketing isn't needed. It's marketing on its own.
  8. Benoves

    What Happened to Bam Who Ended in a Psych Ward?

    I also wonder where @Aaron123 is.
  9. Benoves

    What's the Maximum Amount of Money You Will Spend for a Treatment (About Half Reduction)?

    They can have 10 % of my income for the rest of my life if they can cure tinnitus. And because of my own building company that's a lot of money.
  10. Benoves

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    That's good to know @Steve. I really believe Ross wants this to work. Creating such a device and organize such trials cost a LOT of money. They can't take another failure. He seems very confident about this one and regrets the earlier failure. He also wants to develop the device further so...
  11. Benoves

    Audion Therapeutics Trial

    That's not always the case. I was totally completely fully habituated to my 40 dB hearing loss for 25 years until I got tinnitus and it got me suicidal for a very long time. I didn't even wear hearing aids for 25 years.
  12. Benoves

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Thank you TC. I have multiple tone tinnitus and 40 dB hearing loss. I have no hyperacusis but some reactiveness. Can the treatment still work for me? On which patients did it not work? Should it be worth it for me to try the treatment? Sorry for all my questions. I can't wait for the subs...
  13. Benoves

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    I think that's what he said. Thank you.
  14. Benoves

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Wow that's a nice piece of work you've done guys! Can someone explain to me what he is saying from 29:30? Are people with high frequency tinnitus highly responsive? For what kind of people the device works the best? Sorry for my questions but English is not my native language.
  15. Benoves

    Please Create Your Success Story Instead of Just Leaving

    Thanks for the answer @Markku. I was wondering about his death a long time. To me he wasn't the kind of guy to take his own life.