I bought an otoscopic camera. Does this look like glue ear to you?
Below you can compare my girlfriend's eardrum with the same camera. You see much more details behind the eardrum.
That's good to know @Steve. I really believe Ross wants this to work. Creating such a device and organize such trials cost a LOT of money. They can't take another failure. He seems very confident about this one and regrets the earlier failure. He also wants to develop the device further so...
That's not always the case. I was totally completely fully habituated to my 40 dB hearing loss for 25 years until I got tinnitus and it got me suicidal for a very long time. I didn't even wear hearing aids for 25 years.
Thank you TC.
I have multiple tone tinnitus and 40 dB hearing loss. I have no hyperacusis but some reactiveness. Can the treatment still work for me? On which patients did it not work?
Should it be worth it for me to try the treatment?
Sorry for all my questions. I can't wait for the subs...
Wow that's a nice piece of work you've done guys!
Can someone explain to me what he is saying from 29:30? Are people with high frequency tinnitus highly responsive?
For what kind of people the device works the best?
Sorry for my questions but English is not my native language.