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  • My partner is suspected to have covid and my T has suspiciously spiked for no apparent reason..... weird...
    @aot we are both young fit and healthy so should be ok! More worried about the effect it may have on my T and VS if I get it :(
    Can you and your partner stay in separate rooms? I remember back in April there was a girl who was tweeting about her isolation in her room for two weeks and how her dad would sit outside the door with her during meals so she wouldn't have to eat alone.
    I can't be sure, but the tones appeared the same day my partner started feeling symptoms. I was mostly asymptomatic. Seems unlikely that this was a coincidence but it's possible.
    well, looks like Tinnitus is following me into 2021 and probably my whole life. Here's to coping and fading. Happy new year all
    Happy Winter Solstice everyone, legend has it our tinnitus is merely the energy of the universe that we can hear (I wish). Enjoy ✨
    Woke up and my T has gone all 'tinny' sounding in my ear and it's really loud and I have no idea why?!? It's awful... no idea why :(
    I think it's just the way it is. My tinnitus is different sounds and volumes every day, all throughout the day. It's never the same. *hugs*
    @bethadtr I'm actually doing a lot better than I was a month ago. T has been very quiet, apart from a week's spike from mountain biking. I went over loads of trails and it wasn't good on the ears. Way too much vibration. :(
    Has your T settled down after this weird tinny thing they did? Xx
    Thinking about how the last song i listened to in my earphones before I got T was 'White Noise' by Disclosure... hahaha what are the odds
    My T presented itself during a Friends episode (earbuds in ofc): No one told you life was gonna be this way. How ironic. :(
    @Kriszti omg !! That's crazy, isn't it weird that it happened like that? Guess we have to see the the humour in it some how
    Well mine started after cleaning the bathroom, listening to a podcast about happiness and being still and at one with yourself. Haha. F*#king brilliant! I still say antibiotics weakened my ears, and then listening to the speaker in a small and echoey room really finished them off.
    Visual snow has became hellish
    @TrevorSanders in envious I wish I had it since birth because then I wouldn't question it! Has yours stayed the same over the years?
    Is it getting worse for you, or just your reaction to it? Mines stayed The same for 18 years
    @orbiter12 no it's gotten worse, my closed eye hallucinations are hell and I'm struggling to sleep. Feels like I'm travelling through space when I close my eyes :/
    Dog barked right in my good ear, took loads of magnesium but I think it's going to be bad. Ffs so tired of this :(
    Take NAC
    Bill Bauer
    If you don't experience a spike when you wake up tomorrow (or earlier), you ought to be ok. Most spikes are temporary spikes. For now it makes sense to assume that in the long run you will be ok.
    Hey Beth, I know it doesn't help, but I've unfortunately had a few people laugh/scream near my ears, and definitely a couple of naughty dogs bark right next to my head - and I was actually okay. Have you noticed a spike yet? Best to try not to focus on what happened, because you might worry over nothing and make it intentionally worse. Sending love x x x
    Just had the scariest fleeting T. It was the loudest low 'beep' sound in my HEAD, never had that before. Made me panic so much :(
    My nice 'static' T is now both a pure tone whistle T, it weirdly bothers me less but its such a horrible sound :/ hope it fades
    Bill Bauer
    That's not a good development.

    There is still a reasonably high chance that eventually you will be back to your static T. Do you have any idea what might have caused this change?
    @Bill Bauer accidental loud noise exposures over the months I guess, people shouting too close to me :(
    my doc wants to put me on antidepressants but I'm worried about the effect it may have on my T & VS, know too much as a psych student lol
    Looking back on old videos of me at heavy metal gigs right next to the speakers headbanging all night.... I wish 16 year old me knew :/
    I agree. I blamed musicians the most even though they do have tinnitus they don't even explain the severity of it and no wonder why no one takes tinnitus and hyperacusis seriously. I hope one day theres someone out there that will tell people about the severity of these conditions. It's not a joke.
    Jack Straw
    Can't beat yourself up about something you didn't know would happen.
    I think about all the times I'd blast my AirPods riding on the NYC subway back and forth to work everyday, and for six years! Never had a problem before this year. Never thought twice about it, and at the time, was never warned. I still struggle and blame myself but it's not your fault.
    Have this feeling that my VS is going to get worse......
    My eyes are doing the same things as they did the last time before my VS came on, (eye-twtching, headache, blood shot eyes) and I just have this gut feeling :( @Steph1710
    Well I don't want to jinx myself because I don't have VS, but I do suffer from red eyes (which I absolutely hate), eye twitching, and headaches. So I can sympathise Beth. :( sending massive hugs your way. Just to think we were probably healthy this time last year. <3
    @Steph1710 it's just so odd, so hard to know what tomorrow will bring with incurable conditions :( I'd do anything to go back 5 months ago, I didn't know what suffering was like. But in a way, we aren't unhealthy, in fact getting VS & T has made me healthier... don't see yourself as un well, just see it as part of you. Thanks Steph, hope you're ok <3
    Will my Visual Snow get worse if my Tinnitus gets worse? Looking for anyone's experiences here as I'm panicking.
    I notice that as hyperacusis and T gets worse, so does my VSS
    I've had VSS for years. I think I just notice it more, because it's still really mild. I also assume this is because I'm just tired all the time more than any other reason.
    I actually don't think so. When you have spikes, does the VS increase at the same time?
    From a static hiss only audible in silence to two pure tones that I can hear over the TV, all thanks to the careless of people around me :((
    Hi Beth. Trust me, it will go down again. It's going to take a while, but it seems your T journey has been pretty similar to my own (I've read your posts). I had only a static hiss and unfortunately experienced a terrible spike after an ear infection (I think) but after 4/5 months, it has almost gotten back to baseline. It takes ages sometimes. Don't stress too much.
    My best advice is to carry on as you were before, even though the sound is so intrusive, and eventually it will start fading without you realising it. <3
    @Steph1710 Hi Steph. Thanks for the reassuring words, I really appreciate it. I'm hoping it fades over time I really do, I have VS too so I'm worried my T worsening will affect that too, but I could just be overthinking. Just so disheartening when I was finally accepting my T and getting back to normal, I guess recovering is never linear! Thanks again. Hope you're well <3
    Well, it's official. My Tinnitus has never been this bad. Feeling so defeated right now :(
    Don't give up! Most spikes are temporary!
    Is it bilateral? How does your T increase? Is it gradual or like a sudden permanent spike? Mine has been horrible for 9 weeks since huge spike :(
    just as I was getting over my spike... my mum screamed down my ear :( i am at my witts end rn, i want to cry
    @Bill Bauer she is, although I don't think she realises how sensitive my ears are - no one understands T until they get T I guess. It was an accident of course, but I am just so upset. My T is mild and I protect my ears all the time, all for it just to be gone in a second.
    @dan nothing as of yet but my ear is hurting badly and the pressure is there, give it a few days and I can just feel a pure tone coming on over my usual mild static. So worried :(
    dont worry you're young and beautiful, everything will be great. You think you know what being at wits end is, but luckily for you, you dont and lets hope you never do...
    a pal laughed down my ear too close & has left me with a pure tone in my left ear with pain & pressure, just when it was getting better :(
    Hey Beth. Same thing happend to me today. No effects yet, but I'm nervous. Do you take any supplements?
    @aot hey man, oh no fingers crossed you'll be ok. Mine was right next to my ear so I was expecting it :( it took 2 days for mine to show up. I do! I take a lot but mainly magnesium, zinc, B2, B12 & D.
    Bill Bauer
    It will most likely be temporary. If it doesn't get better after a month, THEN there might be a good reason to be worried about it.
    If it's got this pulsing in my head that's only going to get worse I seriously don't know if I can do this anymore :( it's not fair
    I've had the same thing in my head for a number of years. It does get better eventually,but not overnight. I'd advise you to see a neurologist and have your head thoroughly checked out.
    Bill Bauer
    Give it at least three months, or even a year or two. Only then you will have a better sense of what the long run hold for you.
    can feel my pulse in my head? Is this pulsatile T? I can't 'hear it' unless I put my head to a pillow, but I can feel it pulsing/throbbing
    I have but many people describe it as a sound, I can feel my actual pulse throbbing on my temples, like a bad headache. But this has been going on for 3 days now non stop, I can't hear it unless I put my head to a pillow, idk if it's normal or not? @Steph1710 x
    Is it normal? I've had it before for moments when my pulse has become elevated for some reason, but this has been non stop. I can literally feel my pulse twitch in my temples, but I can't hear it as such. It feels like my head is throbbing like a headache, it's driving me nuts ;( @ASilverLight
    I don't have it nonstop so I dunno about that, but I definitely get the feeling too
    Wearing earplugs wherever I go from now on, I was too careless for a few days and I'm now facing the consequences. Hoping I recover :(
    You will recover from it. I have made loads of mistakes since developing T. My biggest was thinking I'd be alright driving without ear protection - turns out I was wrong! I've recovered from it though. <3 it's all a learning game from now on.
    You'll recover. My T used to spike because of anything and I'd be scared to go outside without earplugs due to random car alarms or bikes etc. I never wear earplugs for anything anymore apart from loud bars and my T is the same. Also your T can fluctuate randomly for reasons other than noise so don't be so hard on yourself
    @Steph1710 hi Steph. What do you use when you drive? Just earplugs? I use earplugs when I drive and shower.
    I've recently developed a new pure tone in my left ear that is different to my high frequency none tonal static noise, any help? :(
    I noticed this type of thing early on, or when I'd have an unexpected spike. Weird little temporary pure tones that went away. Keep protecting those ears, you're still in recovery.
    Bill Bauer
    For the past year or so I had been believing that if T doesn't begin fading within the first 3-6 months, it will likely never fade. Recently I read a post by someone whose T began fading after 9 months. So don't panic, and just give it time. This is what you do in case of a sore throat or a cut. The only difference is that ears take a lot longer to heal. Try to be patient...
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